Two Halfs Make A Whole (Lot of Chaos)

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    The sky was clean and beautiful, clouds decorating the sky almost artistically, the air clean with a faint scent of flowers and sweets.

    But nothing was sweeter to Shino than seeing his fiancé walking down the aisle.

    Shino had popped the question during a date when Artemis got back from his trip to France. That night was painted into his mind for good with beautiful city lights, soft jazz, chilly air, a pair of two tearful violet eyes, and a gleaming smile of his boyfriend, Artemis Divil, nodding his head to the question.

    And this midday ceremony would be right next to that.

    The wedding was outdoors, a clear summer day with neatly cut hedges gating the audience in. The benches holding the thrilled guests were freshly painted white. So bright it was almost blinding. Sadly, Shino knew some of those seats would not stay the same for long. 

    "Let's get this going!" Moaned Kiyo. "I feel like a chained animal in this dumb suit."

    Kiyo had gone against Artemis' offers of help to tailor a suit, saying that he was a grown man and could do it on his own. The suit was dark purple with a hot pink trim and a blue rose sticking from the chest. The teleporter had managed to keep his hair under control, held up in a man bun more often. He had grown a few inches and had gained more definition in his arms.

    His boyfriend, Yuuto, swatted his stiff arm. "Oh shush! Your stubbornness got you that along with my wallet!"

    Yuuto had definitely changed since their time in high school. He hadn't grown much, made sure to keep his hair in better style, and had never been more adamant about his clothing. But he had grown so much confidence in himself; he lost his stutter and nervous energy. He stood up in a crowd more and was not even a fraction as jumpy as before. But his original dominance over Kiyo was still visible.

    "Fine," The other boy surrendered. "But you're giving me an extra slice of cake."

    "I sure hope so," Yuuto snapped back. "I baked it."

    Shino bit down a smile. Seeing them was amazing as usual and made him greatful how assertive he and Arty were, avoiding such arguments.

    Behind those two, Jack and Blake Foster-Carter sat side by side, smiling up at their old friend. The two got married about nine months ago at a beach in California and never been happier. Getting a suburban home in the quieter side of Canada and fulfilling their jobs.

    Everyone had graduated Monarch Academy about three years ago, only now finishing up their final touches in College and settling down as adults. They all had jobs and responsibilities, either in Canada or other parts of the world, so they didn't meet up all that much anymore. So when they did, they made it worthwhile.

    The sound of soft violins filled the air as the crowd's chatter shut down. Everyone shifted in their seats to look down at the back of the aisle.

    At the start of the red carpet stood Artemis Divil. He wore a white tailored suit with a soft purple trim. His tie was black and pressed tightly to his chest as he walked down the aisle. With each step, Shino's heart pounded twice as fast as before.

    No matter how many years would pass, Artemis would still be beautiful. His hair was a bit longer and messier, but he tamed it for the ceremony; the two toned hair styled as a wave across his head. His usual glasses had been replaced with contacts so they wouldn't ruin his style. He had more muscle but was still lean and skinny. Not as pale but still reminded Shino of Snow White.

    He was so handsome. 

    Artemis walked up the few steps to the alter and faced his soon to be husband with a nervous smile. As an answer, Shino sent a smile that was warm with reassurance.

    The Hardlight wore a black suit with a black dress shirt and a gold tie. Ink slacks and his hair neatly brushes that rubles down his shoulders. Blake was the one that did his hair, through lots of yanking, swears, and screams.

   The priest began his speech. Why we were all gathered here, what our bondage would mean. But Shino was well aware of this. Heck, not a lot would change, he and Artemis had been taking care of each other for almost five years: when they were sick, in trouble with villains or school, their family mysteries, their pain. They fought those problems hand in hand.

   "Get to the kiss!" Shizu Miryoku screamed. If anyone else was as aware as these two were, it was Shizu and Rikku. They had also lived a life of pain and terror, and knew far too well what themselves and he and Artemis had been through.

    The elderly priest chuckled. "Shino Basca, do you take Artemis to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

    Shino felt warmth blossom in his chest. "I do."

    The priest smiled and turned to his fiancé. "And do you, Artemis Divil, take Shino to be your husband?"

     Artemis' hands squeezed Shino's a bit in excitement. "I do."

     The priest continued. "Then I pronounce you two partners for life!" He announced proudly. "You may kiss your husband."

    Not a second of hesitation passed between the two as their lips met. Cheers and yells of happiness erupted to their right. Their friends going wild as the two joined together officially.

    As Shino ignored an explosion of fire from the crowd as he continued to kiss his husband. The first time he kissed him, it was like discovering a new treasure, a new world of wonders and peace. The two kissed a lot, and a lot of other things, so the the thrill was a bit dull. His excitement didn't come from the feeling of Arty's lips being captured by his own, but the fact that he was now fully part of his life.

    The two were together. Sun and moon, light and dark. And nothing was going to ever keep them apart.

I have never been to a wedding, so I'm not good at this. Sorry it's so short, I wanted to keep it simple.

Shoutout to @alexdaisy8 for wanting to see the two get married.

Now, as I said before, I'm practically in hiding as I work on Apex High. It's going to be a few months before it comes out, but I'll make sure to make announcements on progress. But except news of it by 2024

If you have any questions, be free to send me a private message or in the chat section on my account. Don't be shy!

Hope all is well with everyone, I've got exams so that's putting a damper on my writing.

Please comment and vote if you enjoyed it.

Sorry for grammar errors

Hydro fury

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