Enjoy Together

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JIMIN:"Evaaaaa hold my hand."Jimin said while ridding the carousel.

Eva hold jimin's hand and they both ride while laughing.They also go on other rides.they go to watch movie.


They were watching a movie called 'concrete utopia'.

While watching the movie suddenly the building fell down in the movie.And due to sudden action Eva holds jimin arm Jimin did'nt mind it so eva keep holding his arm and put her head on his shoulder.Jimin also rested his head on eva head.

They watch the movie than they go for dinner.They enjoyed so much whole day and now its the end of the day they go back to their home after dinner.


EVA:"Uhh jimin i remembered one thing."Eva said while coming out of bathroom after changing clothes.Jimin was already lying on the bed scrolling on his mobile phone after changing clothes.Jimin put his mobile down and looked and eva"what is it?"He asked her.

Eva:um before marriage you told me that you wanna play video games with me?

Jimin:"yepp...but we are together always we will play it later i'm so tired today lets come and sleep for now."He said while patting on the bed beside him for eva to come.Eva smiled and lie down beside jimin.Jimin wrapped his arms around her waist and hug her.Eva rested her head on jimin body and said"Today was so fun right nahh?".Jimin sai"yess it was."

Eva :"i never ever had this much fun in my life."

JIMIN:"Why don't you have fun on trips with your family."

Eva:"Uhh-actually not.....my family was always busy in work.""There are few time when we go but due to dad sudden meeting we ended up coming back on 2nd or 3rd day without even enjoying."

Jimin:"Thats okay...as you are married to me we will travel around so many beautiful places okay."Eva nodded and said "thanks jimin i laughed so much because of you""good night."Eva said and snuggles to jimin chest.Jimin also said "Good night."And than they both drifted to sleep.


Eva wokeup randomly she open her eyes and see a cute figure beside her.

She smiled watching her husband.She tried to wake him up while patting his shoulder"Jimin-ahh wakeup."JIMIN open his eyes and they said good morning to each other.Eva sit and pick up her phone to see time"whatt?jimin its 11:30 how did we wakeup so late."Jimin giggle watching eva tensed up.Jimin pulled her back and hug her again."thats okay its not like we had to go to school".Eva said"still jimin its so late what will your parents think."

JIMIN:"They will just think that we are sleeping because we were tired yesterday."

Eva:"Okay now getup."Eva said while getting up but jimin hug her again saying"Just lie down for some more time"

They getup after sometime did their morning routine and go down to eat something.When they go down they find no one in the house than jimin asked maid"where are they?"the maid reply that"UH Sir have meeting so they go to busan with him."Jimin and Eva did their breakfast and after that they come to drawing room to play games.They both sit on the couch and start the game they were laughing while playing eva was distracting jimin so he can loose the game but jimin being a pro player(not actually in real) he was about to win when eva leaned to him like eva back head was in front of jimin face jimin suddendly pulled eva from his waist and push her gently on his lap and he race his car in the game and he win while on the other hand eva heart was racing on the speed of infinity ∞ when jimin grabbed her from her waist and pulled her eva was blank out.

JIMIN:"Yahhhh ... i told you-"jimin said while looking at his lap where eva was resting her head and he saw her blank face then he said while waving his hand in front of her"heyy what are you thinking."

Eva come out of her thought and suddenly sit back.

EVA:"OHH YOU WON... but it was not fair."

JIMIN:"What is not fair huh."

EVA:"UH yo-you YOU knew how to play this but i did'nt ."

There time skip like this they enjoy so much but eva was little busy in her studies because it was her last smester.Six months past by this they enjoyed so much they play games so much they go out when ever they have time as Jimin was also a little busy as he started to help his father in bussiness.And about physical relationship they did'nt do anything as jimin did'nt know and eva also not said anything because she wants the things to go like this more because she was enjoying every little thing with jimin. And their parents also did'nt say anything about this because they know that eva was still studing so it will be hard for her to handle.


Today was eva graduation day,the graduation ceremong held , eva parents along with jimin go to ceremong eva did a great job in study.After ceremony eva parents go while jimin and eva go together to spend some time.It was evening time first they go for shopping they did some shopping than play some games there and than they go for dinner.After getting done with dinnereva asked"should we go to park for walk?"jimin nodded.They were walking in the park while holding hands when eva stopped and turn to jimin, jimin also turn towards her.

EVA:"Jimin thankyou for being with me this whole time.I really really love you and i enjoy your company so much.Thank you so much."

JIMIN:"There is no need to thank me i'm glad you are with me.I love you too."Jimin said smilingly while holding her hands.

Eva lean and peck jimin lips and than back to her position shlyly looking down.Jimin was shocked as it was their first kiss.

Jimin:"what is this?"Eva look at jimin face and said"kiss".

Jimin:"You kiss me?"eva nodded.

Jimin:"Can i kiss you too?"eva again nodded.Than jimin cupped eva face and give her a long peck on her lips.After jimin get back eva shyly playing with her fingers than jimin hold her hand and said "lets go."


Eva came you of bathroom and see that jimin was already lying on the bed eyes close without making noise she walked towards bed lie down back facing jimin.Jimin feel someone presence and he know that it must be his wife.He opened his eyes and see eva back facing him.He back hugged eva and snuggled into her neck.EVA asked"I thought you already sleep." 

Jimin:"I didn't sleep but i am sleepy."

Eva:"hm Good night."

Jimin:"Good Night."Than they go to their dreamland.




PARK JIMIN-WAY OF LIFE:)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن