welcome to India

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Author pov.....

The Singhania family reached the airport and saw Raj's best friend Sameer he was already there . Waiting for them .
Pilots welcome them.

All of them are sitting in their private planes.

Finally we are going to India, i am very excited. Ruhi said with excitement.

Everyone happy toh see her excitement.

Yaa You just have to eat their food and get fat yuvaan tease her

you called me fat ,you are fat  ruhi said with cute angry face

Everyone Lough at har cute face

These two were teasing each other like this

Senior singhania are discussing about married plane and gifts

Raj so when are getting girl friend Sameer asked nowhere

Never ..he replied

I have heard that Indian girls are very beautiful. Sameer said with little excited

Yes, do you see anything else other than this girl? He replied irritating face

Yaar, if there is no girl in life then where is life? Sameer said wondering about girls

Yes, for you all life is a girls but not for me. .he replied with grumpy

Let's see when you fall in love with someone said toh irritate his friend

Never , I think your company is still bankrupt How did it not happen? He asked

I work but I also enjoy life, not like you, I always work and am a boring person. He said with a boring face

Raj just opened his laptop ant started his work

Sameer gave him a" so done " look and close his eyes

Singhania women are very excited to meet her family. and gossip with each other.

In Gupta

The younger are very excited to enjoy wedding. Actually They are happy that he won't have to go to college.

I am very excited Priya said with excitement

Yes, you don't have to do boring college classes, so you will be excited, right? Mohit her

Yes, as if you are not happy that you also got saved from boring class. priya replied with irritated

Mohit pulled her hairs After doing this he ran away and Priya started running after him.When he saw bhoomi  coming, he hid behind it.
I will not leave him today, Di please move aside roye said

Hey what's happened bhoomi said standing in middle..

Before she could answer, her father and mother asked, “Have you kept all the things in the car?”

Yes bhoomi replied with smile on her face

what are you two doing ? Mummy asked when she saw both standing in front of each other

nothing both said together and started looking at each other

Ok Get ready early so that you don't get late because of people. Yes, check your luggage also, don't forget anything. She said look at her two children.

Mom, I will take care of all this bhoomi said when she saw her mummy getting angry

Don't angry sweetheart it's not good for your skin .. her papa said to his wife with lovely voice

How am I not angry that they are looking at both of them? Mummy said with anger

Because of their mummy's anger they had to complete their work quickly. And sat in the car and started the car.

At airport
Plane lands at airport and Pilots announcement
Welcome to India..
The singhania family their car was waiting for when they  came out of the plane

Welcome to India chief secretary said with politely...

They sat in the car and drove towards the wedding venue.

Wow Indian is so beautiful Sameer said looking out the window

You are right .. yuvaan said agreed with Sameer

Everyone was happy to come to India

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