CH 2

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                       America just sat on his bed for half an hour before finally deciding to get up and do something. He picked up his sword and inserted it into it's scabbard. Then he walked towards the royal garden. He was a bit surprised but relieved that no one was there. Usually Paris is always there as she loved flowers and butterflies, she sometimes includes them in the beautiful clothes she makes. Maybe she was busy making new designs.

America sat on a bench that was made out of pure white marble. A soft breeze was blowing. The flowers were swaying in the breeze. The air was adorned with the sweet fragrance of the flowers. The surroundings were beautifully painted by the most colourful and delicate flowers and plants in the country. If America ever gets married, this would be the first place in the palace that he will be showing his significant other. Too bad that he never felt any romantic feeling towards anyone. His father always told him that he has to find someone to live with him or his father himself will find someone. America does not want that. He thinks that everything his father choose is miserable, except his dad ofcourse. But he has heard that his father didn't exactly choose his dad, he heard that it was an arranged marriage. Well, its a healthy relationship, so not much of a big deal. But America might not get such a loving partner through an arranged marriage, but instead of finding someone perfect for him, he just decided that he doesn't need anyone in his life at all. But his father wouldn't allow that.

America's peaceful time was interrupted by a droplet of water that fell on his face. It glided down his cheek like a tear drop. America looked up to see the sky turn very dark. He got up and went back into the palace.

He cursed the weather, it was sunny a few moments ago, now rain is pouring heavily. He decided that since it was raining, it would be the perfect time to read a book. And so he made his way towards the library. He walked in and saw Washington DC and London chatting while sipping tea. They both stood up when they saw the prince.

"Greetings Prince America, would you fancy a Cuppa?" London asked while lifting the teapot.

"Greetings London. I didn't know you hosted little tea parties in the library. And yeah, I would love to have a cup of tea" America replied while taking a seat beside the capitals. London happily poured tea into a small white cup that had gold flowers and leaves painted on them. The teapot was also painted to match the cups. America took the steamy hot cup of tea into his hands and waited a bit before bringing the cup close to his lips. Even though he liked coffee better, he couldn't say no to a good cup of tea. In fact, he drank tea everyday. It was a habit that he picked up from his father. As they say, Like father, like son.

America finished the cup and placed it on the table. As a conversation starter he asked the capitals what they were chatting about. They told him that they were talking about literature and writers, then one thing led to another till they were talking about tea and biscuits, (or cookies), which eventually led to them having a small tea party in the library. America let out a small chuckle and got up to leave after waving them goodbye. It was almost like he came to the library to drink tea and not to read books.

Anyway, as he was walking towards his room, he remembered what his father said in the morning. Being the curious person he is, he immediately made his way towards his father. He searched for his father and finally found him talking to Canada.

"Hey Father!" America almost screamed.

"What is the matter, son?" Britain looked at the prince , a bit confused. America usually never come to his father in the middle of the day.

"So father, this morning you told me that I will have to do something in return for not having classes right?"

"Yes I did, what about that?" Britain said in a calm voice, when America's voice was filled with anxiety and curiosity. Seeing the two in a conversation, Canada thought that he wasn't needed there, so he just left.

"I was thinking all day about it. What do you want me to do? Is it something serious?"

Britain gave out a small chuckle as a response.

"I thought I'd tell you later. But oh well, guess I shall tell you now. It's not bad as you think it is son."

America was a bit relieved, but still a little anxious.

"Then tell me!!"

"Son, you are aware of our political relations with other kingdoms, right?"

"Yes, we have good relations with almost every kingdom. Except a few. Like the-"

America was cut off by Britain

"Yes, one such kingdom who we have a bad relation with is the Kingdom of Russia. I am sure you know the king, the Soviet Union, but I am afraid that you don't know the heir. Rumours say that he is soon to be crowned as king. I want you to make an official visit to the kingdom and I believe that your visit will bring about changes in the relationship."

Britain paused to look at America. America's face had a serious look on. Britain was quite pleased with that. He continued,

"All this time you have only visited other kingdoms along with me, almost all of them being our allied Kingdoms. But, this time, I want you to go alone."

Britain paused again and looked at America. His face suddenly showed a surprised expression. Britain understood that America didn't quite like the idea.

"But father, I have never visited any Kingdoms alone, not even our allies. Then how do you expect me to do well on such an important visit?"

Britain raised an eyebrow, then raised his hand to fix his monocle
"Why do you you think I took you with me to all those official visits? This decision have been made after much thought. This is final. You shall leave for the visit next week. I have already sent a letter beforehand indicating your visit. So be prepared. You will be staying there for a few days before returning."

Knowing that there is no use of protesting, America agreed. He felt that all of this was too quick. Just a visit would have been fine, but staying there? That was too much for America.

America decided that the rest of the day should be used for planning for the visit. It was a new kingdom, which he has never visited before. He decided to go to the library and find some books about the Russian land. He did find some, and started to read them. He found the culture very interesting and unique, especially the language. He decided to learn a few basic words and phrases, that's the least you could do before you visit another nation. The day went on really quickly after lunch. After dinner, America went to sleep. Afterall, reading all day sure makes you sleepy.

End of chapter 2

Phew, finally that's over. It's not really good, I know. The story is really rushed and stuff. I thought that I should just get straight to the point and finish the book, because I am not good at writing. I didn't read this after writing, so there will be mistakes. This stayed in the drafts for, idk, maybe a week or two..

Anyways, bye!
Idk when the next chapter is coming out lol

A Treaty between Kingdoms | RusAme / AmeRus | Royal AUWhere stories live. Discover now