Step 18: Fall prey to family (pt. 2)

Start from the beginning

"Or we could let them continue on with their evening, unbothered by Frey's nosy family." Esther placed an arm around Annarósa, whose mouth fell open with an offended gasp.

"Why wouldn't they want us here?"

"If I'd wanted you here, I would have told you," Frey said. "So listen to your wife and go do... I don't know, something else. Not following us."

Before Annarósa could scold him for his rudeness Frey had already begun walking, gesturing for Marius to come along while just remembering he was holding a baby, consequently having to stop and wait a moment.

"That could have gone a lot worse, right?" Marius asked as he hurried after Frey. "Although I... Really didn't expect you to tell them about us, even if the details aren't entirely true."

Frey was second guessing himself as well. He was determined to make Marius feel welcomed, but the risk of his family finding out still loomed over him and though he hated to acknowledge it, Sigveig's words about him neglecting his duty to help West Kerilia gnawed on him.

He stubbornly suppressed the feeling. That was not what the night was about, and he was not going to bring the mood down. Not again.

"They seem to like you." He conjured his best, charming smile. "At least as far as first impressions go."

"Except perhaps for Sigveig?" Marius asked, knitting his eyebrows while glancing over his shoulder. "I couldn't understand what you were signing, but she did not look thrilled."

Frey scoffed before any truth could show on his face.

"She just didn't find us being together a good enough reason to blend clothing patterns and colours, is all. Especially not on my first night back."

"Ah." Marius fortunately seemed to believe the lie. "I guess that could be upsetting for... Well, people of your class."

"I told her to back off and mind her own business though, so... Don't worry about her."

"But I do want to get along with—"

"And what does she know about fashion anyway?" Frey huffed. "She barely sets foot outside while I know for a fact that I have extensive knowledge, so if she wants to play style queen in front of me she's just embarrassing herself."

Marius chuckled, a little nervously.

"That's alright then."

"And don't get me started on her attire for the night," Frey spiralled, ending up in a rant he hadn't intended to be genuine at first, but eventually turned into a criticism of current shape preferences in dresses, the agricultural influences spreading outside of West Kerilia, and how non-locally grown fruits as clothing patterns were pushing it.

One apparently extensive monologue later, with Marius only uttering an occasional 'ah' or giving understanding nods along the way, Frey abruptly snapped out of it as he spotted their next destination, and while he would have liked to finish defending his strong opinions on yellow-ish green apples, he forced the rant to a stop.

"There's our next place." He pointed towards the steps leading down to a small, cosy shop named Cottontail Burrow, fittingly located below ground with just small windows letting light from the streets inside. Despite its narrow entrance the inside was packed with customers, and Frey stifled a groan. He'd preferred a place with less people, but he would endure for Marius' sake.

To his great surprise, Marius was the one hesitating.

"You sure about this place?" he asked, corner of his mouth twitching as he looked at the hive of activity. "You don't like being touched after all."

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