Step 18: Fall prey to family (pt. 2)

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"Well not anymore, and it would make more sense to you if you picked up a history book once in a while." Frey gave her a judging look, aware enough of his sister's lack of history knowledge to make up a fairly convincing lie. "But it's a sensitive topic so let's not address it now on this otherwise nice evening."

Contrary to Annarósa, who gave up her questioning at that in favour of enjoying her evening, Elvie's gaze on Frey was relentless and searing, and Frey finally had to give her a glare back. She wouldn't dare. If the secret was to come out eventually, which seemed likely unless he and Marius broke things off, it would not be because of her.

So he needed to distract the others, with Marius' help.

"Marius," he therefore said before pointing with his whole hand at Ingrid, who'd just woken up. "Look, a baby."

It worked better than he'd expected, with Marius instantly catching on, or perhaps more realistically didn't do so at all but was genuinely excited to say hi to the little thing, and while he dazzled Annarósa, Ethel and Valdís with his charm and the attention all relatives wanted for their newborns, Frey pulled Elvie to the side.

"What are you doing?" she signed before Frey could lift a hand. "I told you to think about who you're seen with, but now you're not even trying?"

"You need to stay out of this," he signed back with the same ferocity, despite their attempts to be stealthy. "If you want to keep them out of this you should not let them form a tiny mob to stalk me."

"I wouldn't have to keep them out if there was nothing going on. You were supposed to rebuild your reputation and keep those South Kerilian blights down, but you're just making things worse."

Frey sucked in a breath, working hard to hold his temper.

"I've been stuck in that position for years. I've sacrificed my youth, my dignity, my own comfort, and I never even began to think about relationships, or families other than the one I was born into." His hands convulsed, making it increasingly harder to sign coherently. "And then Father died. No one listens to me anymore, so am I supposed to throw Marius away because I might restore our reputation there? While you get all comfy over here with people who actually appreciate you?"

It was unusual of Elvie to hesitate, but as she stared into his eyes in an attempt to figure out his expression, she didn't argue back, so Frey continued.

"I don't know what's going to happen moving forward, but I'm not going to let you— my own family of all people, get in the way of my happiness. I'm trying to have a nice evening with him in public for once, and you are not going to ruin it by telling them."

"Of course I'm not going to tell them." Elvie looked aghast at the thought. "They have enough to deal with as it is. Last thing Mother needs is her son messing up the one thing she asked him to do."

"Frey, look!"

Frey turned, conversation with Elvie abruptly ending to watch as a grinning Marius had his hair mercilessly tugged at by Ingrid, who wore an equally cheerful smile on her face.

"You, uh... Need help?" Frey frowned, unsure what he was supposed to do about it. If anything, wasn't it Annarósa or Ethel's job to keep their tiny monster at bay?"

"No, I meant that she likes me." Marius' face showed no sign of being bothered by the curl torture, and he booped Ingrid on her nose. "Look at that smile!"

Their expressions turned out to be contagious, and a faint smile formed on Frey's lips at the absurdity.

"So where are you headed now?" Annarósa asked while helping Marius with freeing his hair. "Perhaps we should accompany you. We could find a nice restaurant, and—"

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