Aradia and Sollux >Before the Virus<

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>TW: Gore; Death; Zombies< ((I mean what do you expect :P))

Aradia and Sollux were walking down to their favorite place, which was the coffee shop down near the graveyard that Aradia absolutely loved. Sollux looked over to Aradia and smiled, which she looked over and returned the favor. Aradia would grab his hand and run down the street, "AA stop!" He'd scream, scared of bumping into somebody. She stopped in front of the coffee shop "We're here!~" She walked in, her hand still holding his. They went into a booth seat across from each other and waited for the waiter. The waiter walked over and she smiled at them, then handed them their menus. "You two lovebirds take your time!" Aradia blushed and smiled, Sollux nervously laughed and looked away. The waiter walked away as the two look down at their menus. "Oh man AA, ii haven't ate here iin awhile." She'd roll her eyes "Yeah right, you come here everyday!" "I was beiing 2arca2tic" He'd laugh. After a few minuets passed the waiter came back with a notebook in her hand. Aradia would smile at her and tell her what'd she want, in the middle of sollux's order someone screamed. "GET OFF ME YOU FREAK!" Aradia would turn to look at what was going on, and sollux looked over. It seemed to be two guys fighting, which was normal for this coffee shop. The waiter sighed and walked over to the two guys. "Now you two brake it up!" The other guy looked at her with blood dripping from his mouth. "THE BASTARD BIT ME...HOLY SHIT HE...HE.." Aradia stared in shock and Sollux looked over at the window, looking at how many people were running around. Aradia got up and so did Sollux "AA..What are you doiing?" She ran over to the two guys and stared at the man on the floor. His shoulder was bleeding like crazy and a chunk of it was missing. The other man looked at her with no expression, and he lunged at her. "AA!" Sollux ran over and kicked the guy in the face, causing him to hit his head on the wall and to pass out. Aradia got up and hugged Sollux, just then the man on the floor got up and lunged at the waiter, biting her and eating her shoulder. "We need to get out of here.." He'd grab her hand and run out of the shop, running back to his house. When they got there Aradia was gasping for air, and Sollux leaded her to his couch. "Uh..Stay here okay AA? ii'll go look for weapon2." He said with concern for her as he ran upstairs. Aradia checked herself for bites, catching on quite fast that if you were bitten you are going to become one of those..things. Thankfully there wasn't any and she laid down on the couch. "Oh god. This is gonna be..Interesting" She said with a sigh.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2015 ⏰

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