Mysterious murder (part 2)

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As George turned around he found Mr. William calling him. As he turned Leo also got on Mr William's sight.

"What is it William?" George ask
"Oh, nothing. I just want to ask you about Leo and he's here I'll talk to him myself" Mr William says, and walk forward towards Leo and hug him. Leo was trying his hard to not to cry but now this warm hug makes him uncontrollable and he tears start falling from his eyes. Mr. William was rubbish his back slowly to make him at comfort. Saw the situation George left them be as he already had asked the important questions which he needed to.

Leo and Mr. William stayed in the same position for 5 minutes and Leo was crying continuously. After that he stood straight and cleaned his tears. Mr. William also warmly circulates his hand on his head.

"Don't worry dear, I'm here with you. Don't feel yourself alone." Mr. William says

Leo stable himself, he knows he was alone now the relative that came will go within a few days and now ha can only rely on his self. He was 25 year old young boy, who just recently finished his studies from abroad and now was staying at home with parents and sometimes helping his dad in his business. He was good in managing business type things, even though he finishes his master's degrees in psychology but he was also very good in other activities as well.

He was the only child of Mr. And Mrs. Saar. He was a very beautiful person with brown eyes, brown curly hair and red lips.

Soon Mr. William left him alone and leave with others. The only one left in house was now him and Mr. George. George had completed his investigation and then send the officer's back and stay here for Leo because he knows that Leo is all alone now. He had send his parents body for the postpartem and the funnel was delayed for tomorrow.

Leo walk in the lounch and sit beside George, uptill now he had accepted the fact of the death of his parents. "Uncle why it happened?" Leo asked in sad tone his eyes were staring the centered table, he was trying his best to not his tears spill out.

George, who was his uncle (his father young brother) replied, "you had seen yourself that if was a murder, and I won't ask you about if you suspect anyone because I know about my brother he had never been in fight with anyone so it's quite hard to identify that how could do this"

Leo can't hang in anymore and tears start flowing from his eyes, he remembers the scare scene of his parents death how the blood was splashed and how their heads were.....
He can't even think more, if makes him feel hurt.

He was in his thoughts when George sound arise, " Leo! How about I stay here tonight?"

Leo faces George and says, "please..." and puts his head on his legs while still crying. George's eyes also get filled with water but he was controlling his self to not to cry, he knows if he cries so who would handle Leo.

Leo was crying and George was tapping his back warmly to comfort him, this is how they spend their night.


The next day the funeral was done and everyone said sorry to Leo for his loss and at the end of the day everyone left. He never feels this lonely ever before. Many times when he goes alone somewhere or when he was abroad for studies he never feels lonely or alone but today he was feeling his self to be all alone. Before He just thinks that when people say that when parents leave you alone in this world then you know their value, he usually takes that as fun but now when his parents leave him he can feel those words deeply, he can feel that the presence of parents even though they were far from you make you feel safe because you know that if you ever get in trouble then we're always at your back to help you, support you, but now when they were gone their were no one left at your back, noone to support you, noone to hold you on your fall, noone to help you get up, you were all left alone.

These thoughts were making his scared, these types of thoughts were only arising in his mind as he was alone in the house. But his thoughts broke by the entrance of someone and when he figured out who it was, it was his uncle George.

George sat on the couch his face was filled with confusion and he was lost in his thoughts. Sawing him like Leo took the initiative.

"Uncle, are you okay" Leo said and George immediately got back to his self, he saw Leo and said, "yeah I'm fine. Just thinking about the investigation" George says

"What happened? What was on the postpartum report? Anything strange?" Leo asked so many questions together

George saw Leo's face as he was trying to decide whether to tell him or not. Leo understands that as say, " you can tell me anything uncle, I'm able to endure anything"

His words make George to let him know because whatever it was he was their son and now he is so mature that he can be told things.

"Actually it's just like..." George get confused to how to start his words. Sawing that Leo say "please" and George continues " as you had already seen what happened to your parents, there's something more identified in postpartum report. They were first given a drug in form of smoke which paralysis human movement. They were murdered after being paralyse, they were unable to move but can witness their murder scene. When they were killed they were shock that's why their eyes were wild open and maybe the one who killed them, they were well aware of that person." George explained

A tear drop from Leo's eyes, he says"but why didn't they make any sound to get help. May be someone heard them and help them out?"

George took a cold sign and say, "the drug also paralysis their ability to spoke. They could only think and see what was happening around them."
Regret tears fall from Leo's eyes, he was blaming his self that why did he go for the trip, maybe if he would be home he could save them. But in deep he knows that he couldn't do that the drug that was given was spread all around the house as it's empty shell was found outside in the garden and even though he would be at home he would also be paralysis or maybe would have died with them.

He stays in regret for minutes then regret in his eyes change into anger, he had made-up his mind what to do next. He had decided that now he can't retrieve his parents but he will make the person regret and give him punishment for what he had done with his parents, he had decided to investigate by himself, to get his parents justice.

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