Chapter 4/ More camping!

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Smg4 POV:

I wake up to a bright tent, the sun already shining through the fabric and onto my face.
I lay down for a few minutes. I slept very well last night, and I'm ready for whatever we do today.

I sit up and yawn, before looking over towards Smg3. He's completely tangled up in his sleeping bag, hugging his pillow with his mouth hanging open. I snort, and take a picture. This is perfect blackmail in case I ever need it, not that I think I will. At least not anymore.

I quickly get dressed, and put on my shoes. I pull my gloves over my hands, sadly covering the nail polish that Smg3 did for me. I quietly unzip the tent and step out into the forest, glowing with life and sunshine. The only ones up so far are Tari, Luigi and Meggy. Luigi is cooking something, and thankfully Meggy seems to be staying out of it. I don't think I'll ever get near Meggy's cooking again for the rest of my life.

"Hi Smg4" Tari notices me, and waves. "Luigi decided to make us all breakfast, isn't that nice?"

"Yeah that is. Thank you Luigi." I turn towards him.

"It's no problem." He smiles.

After about 30 minutes nearly everyone is up, all except Smg3.

"Can we just eat the pancakes already?" Saiko asks me impatiently.

I sigh. I wanted to wait for Smg3.

"Yes, I guess Smg3 is tired."

As everyone begins to eat, I discreetly slip a few pancakes into a container for Smg3. I know they weren't going to save him any, and besides, Luigi cooked so many they won't be missed. I eat with the rest of the crew at the picnic tables.

Another 30 minutes go by and we are starting to discuss what we want to do today.

"Can you wake up Smg3?" Meggy asks.

"Yeah sure, I'll go do that." I respond, happy that at least someone is thinking of him.

"Speaking of which, where is his tent?" Tari asks. I point to my tent.

"Why is Smg3 in your tent?" Boopkins raises an eyebrow.

"He forgot his tent..." I put my head in my hand. "He literally has been set up in my tent from the beginning, how did you not notice?"

My friends look at each other. I know exactly why they didn't notice. I can tell my friends still don't care much about Smg3, despite him being on our side now. That along with the fact he's fairly quiet, it makes sense that they don't notice him all the time. I just hope they are starting to become friends. I head back over to my tent and quietly go inside. Smg3 is still asleep.

"Smg3? Hello?" I try to wake him up.

It doesn't work, so I sit down and gently shake his arm. I shake it harder, then he suddenly jumps and sits straight up.

"Whatzzat?" He looks around wildly for a moment before his gaze lands on me. He looks at me with the most peculiar expression, empty on the surface, but full of emotion behind it. It catches me off guard.

Smg3 snaps out of it after a second and looks around. "Oh man, did I sleep in?" He asks, rubbing his eyes.

"Yeah, we already ate. But I saved you some pancakes." I tell him, and put down the container.

"Thanks Smg4." I notice that Smg3 looks exhausted, the circles under his eyes are even darker than normal, which is saying a lot.

"Are you okay Smg3?" I ask, concerned he might be sick.

"I'm fine... I just... didn't get much sleep last night." he admits.

"I'm sorry to hear that." I tell him. "If you're really tired you can stay here this morning, and join us later." I offer.

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