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Edmund, Caspian, Peter, Lucy, and Eustace were all sitting in a park in London when Aslan appeared to them.

"It's time for you to return to Narnia, my child," Aslan announced, directing the statement at Caspian.

"Please let Edmund come with me. He's meant to rule Narnia and you know it. He doesn't fit in here, he belongs in Narnia with me," Caspian begged the lion.

"You have to let me come back too," Peter stated. "I never should have decided I didn't want to return. Narnia is my home. I don't even want to rule, I just want to go back."

"I do too," Eustace added.

"I don't," Lucy replied tensely. If Lucy was ever going to return, she wouldn't now. Not after they lost Susan.

Aslan frowned if lions could frown. "Eustace you will return soon enough when it is your time. I can't allow you to return Peter, but I suppose I can make an exception for Edmund. Traditionally, two people rule the kingdom. Caspian could use someone to do it with."

Edmund had never cared for the lion before, but now he felt like he could stand up and hug the lion. "Thank you so much," Caspian thanked Aslan.

"We really must be going now." A portal appeared next to Aslan. "Step through it when you two are ready."

With that, Aslan disappeared. Edmund pulled his two siblings into a tight hug. "I can't believe this is really goodbye," he stated as tears streamed down his face.

"Me neither. I had always thought we would rule Narnia together in our own little fairytale. I never expected that things would end like this," Peter agreed.

"Tell Gael I'm sorry," Lucy told him. "Even if I was allowed to return, I never could. Not without Susan. I just feel like Narnia has lost its magic for me."

He held onto his siblings tighter and he looked over their shoulders to see Eustace and Caspian just hovering beside them. "Get over here you two."

Caspian and Eustace joined the hug. They all held onto each other because they knew it was probably the last time they ever would. Lucy, Eustace, and Peter would never forget him and Caspian and Narnia, but Edmund's parents would. It would be like they never had a second son. Just Peter, Susan, and Lucy.

"You guys aren't mad at me right for leaving, right?" Edmund asked as he pulled away.

Lucy shook her head. "Go on. Go live your fairytale, Edmund."

He wiped away his tears. "I love you guys," he told them all before stepping through the portal, hand-in-hand with Caspian.


It had been only a couple weeks in Narnia, but he wondered how long it had been in London.

Edmund was walking in the castle garden with Caspian under the night sky and stars. "The stars look extra pretty tonight don't you think?" He asked his boyfriend.

When Caspian didn't respond, Edmund turned around to see Caspian down on one knee holding out a ring to him. Tears were streaming down Caspian's face and he felt a tear roll down his cheek. "Will you marry me, Edmund Clarence Pevensie?"

"Yes, yes. A million times yes, Cas," he chocked out.

Caspian slipped the ring on his finger before pulling him into a kiss. Edmund wrapped his arms around Caspian's neck as he felt like all his dreams were falling into place at once.

He was engaged to Caspian. The man he had loved since he was sixteen.


Words: 588

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