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A/N: I aged Gael up in this story. Gael is 14 and is pansexual. Also here's what she looks like in this story. It's the same actor just older.


They soon arrived at their first destination. "Land ho." One of the crew members yelled. Caspian and Edmund climbed up onto the captain's deck.

"Prepare a party," Caspian told Drinian who nodded and left. "We should get ready Edmund. The lone islands have never been Narnia's, we don't know what could lie behind there."

Edmund nodded and followed Caspian. They got ready and grabbed their swords and bows. Caspian, Edmund, Lucy, Eustace, Reepicheep, and other crew members then loaded onto a small boat and went to the islands. The island looked deserted but wasn't.

"Reepicheep stay here. If we aren't back by dawn send a party." Caspian stated. He, Edmund, and Lucy began to walk into a building. Eustace was following them awkwardly when Edmund spoke.

"Do you want to stay here and... guard something?" Edmund asked.

"Oh yes! I'll do that." The kings and queen walked into the building and walked over to the table in the middle, there was a book with names crossed out. Suddenly people came down from the roof sliding down ropes and the three reacted quickly beginning to fight. Someone screamed and they stopped, facing the door and seeing Eustace with a man holding a knife up to his throat.

"Drop your weapons." The man said. "Now! Unless you want to hear this one scream like a little girl again."

There was a collective sound of swords hitting the ground.


Long story short, Lucy and Eustace were Aslan knows where and Caspian and Edmund were locked up. Edmund was laying down fighting back tears as Caspian kicked the door of the dungeon in anger. "Cas calm down. You kicking things isn't helping anything." Edmund stated.

"The boys right." A mysterious voice came from the dark corner.

"Who's there," Caspian said quickly stepping in front of Edmund who rolled his eyes.

"Caspian I'm not 5. You don't have to stand in front of me. I can protect my own self."

"Right, sorry." He walked into the corner and was faced with a man. "Lord Bern?"

"Perhaps once, but I'm no longer deserving of that title." The man said.

"Is he one of the seven?" Edmund asked, but Caspian said nothing.

"Your face. You remind me of a king I was once loved."

"That man was my father." Caspian smiled at the lord. Edmund heard noises outside and climbed up to the window and saw people being sailed out at sea. Caspian climbed up too.

"Where are they taking them?" Caspian asked.

"Keep watching," Bern stated. Dark clouds formed in the sky and a green mist formed on the sea, surrounding the boat. The boat was now unnoticeable and when the mist cleared the boat was gone. "What happened?!"

"It's a sacrifice."

"Where did they go?" Caspian asked turning around.

"No one knows." They both climbed down. The Lord told them about the mist and how no one knew where anyone went that had been caught in it. "If they don't sell you to the slave traders, you're likely to be fed to the mist."

"We have to find Lucy and Eustace before it's too late." The guards came and grabbed the two boys. When they got outside everyone was fighting and they quickly joined.


They were all walking out of the town with people cheering them on when a man came running over. "Your majesty! Your majesty!" Drinian grabbed him blocking him from Caspian and Edmund. "My wife was taken just this morning."

"Dad!" A girl came running over. Lucy thought she was going to pass out. She had long curly brown hair with side bangs, hazel eyes, and freckles all over her face

"It's alright Drinian," Caspian confirmed. He let go of the man.

"I beg you to take me with you." The man said walking next to Cas.

"I want to come!" The girl said.

"No Gael stay with your aunt." He sighed. "I'm a fine sailor. Been on the sea my whole life."

"Of course you must." Caspian smiled patting him on the back.


"If I don't ever come back. Know I love you." He said crouching down in front of her as the aunt came over. Lucy stood behind them watching the whole thing. She fought the urge to sneak Gael onto the ship. As the girl and her aunt walked away Lucy ran ahead of the catch-up with Caspian and Edmund.

They were now out of the town when Bern came over holding a sword. "My king!" Bern said. They stopped. "This was given to me by your father. I did hid it safely in a cave all these years."

"That's an old Narnian sword," Edmund exclaimed.

"It was from your golden age. There are 7 swords, a gift from Aslan to protect Narnia. Your father entrusted them to us. Here take it." Caspian hesitated. "And may it protect you." He finally took it. Bern walked away and they continued walking.

"Here," Caspian said handing the sword to Edmund who took it with a big grin on his face. "It's yours now." Caspian patted him on the back and then got on the boat.


Edmund and Lucy were sitting on Lucy's bed and she wouldn't stop grinning. "What's got, you so joyful Lu?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"Oh, nothing. Just a girl."

"Ooo a girl. Who is this girl that is making my little sister grin like an idiot." Edmund smirked.

"That guy that ran up to us when we were leaving, daughter."

"Interesting. Hopefully, you will see her again. You deserve to finally have a girlfriend."

"I mean I would love to see her again, but the odds are low."

"But never low enough. I thought I would never see Cas again, but look at me now. We are friends again."

"Sureeee... just friends," Lucy smirked nudging him with her shoulder.

"Oh shut up. We are just friends... for now." He laughed.

"Can we please make Casmund happen again? I miss it so much."

"I don't even know if he likes me anymore."

"Oh please. Him not like you? I've never heard such a thing." Edmund gave her a weird look. "He's in love with you Ed! You're the one pushing him away."

"I know I did push him away. I-.... I don't know how to get him back now."

"Do you love him?"

"I think I do..."

"That's not a yes. Trust me, if you admit it out loud you'll feel a lot better."

Edmund hesitated before speaking. "I love him."

"See was it that hard to do. Now go tell him!"

"I will when I get a chance to."


ik i haven't updated this in almost a month. my motivation to write another chapter for this story just hasn't been there. i promise casmund is coming back soon tho!

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