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Edmund was hurt and disappointed. He had written, "We aren't on speaking terms" on tiny pieces of paper so every time Caspian tried to talk to him he would give him one.

"Edmund can we please talk." Caspian tried for the millionth time. Edmund shoved another paper in his hands and quickly walked away. "Ed please..."

"No," Edmund stated plainly.

ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚

"Edmund," Peter stated walking out onto the rocks where Edmund was sitting.

"Yeah Pete?"

"Aslan wants to ask us something important."

"Oh okay let's go then."

The Pevensie siblings all met up with Aslan and he asked them if they wanted to leave Narnia permanently.

"Yes, I would like to. I feel like I've done everything I can for Narnia." Peter answered.

"I guess." Susan shrugged.

"I don't want to leave," Lucy said.

"Yes, I definitely want to leave." Edmund didn't have to think twice about it.

"Susan and Peter you can leave permanently because you both have done everything you can for Narnia. Lucy and Edmund, you will leave and then return when Narnia is in need of you again." Aslan stated.

"Why can't I leave permanently too?! I don't want to return and see him." Edmund argued.

"Oh my god, Edmund. Grow up!" Susan said.

"Maybe you should listen to your own advice Susan," Lucy stated, rolling her eyes.

"Yeah, you could really use it." Peter agreed.

"It's not my fault! What was I supposed to do." Susan defended.

"Yeah definitely wasn't your fault that your brother was getting manipulated and you just sat back and watched it happen. I loved Caspian and you knew that, but you didn't care and still don't so don't start defending yourself. Also by the way I don't love him anymore and aren't talking to him so you can stop being a jerk." Edmund replied walking off.

When he walked out of the tent he saw Caspian standing there. "Ed-"

"No, you heard what I said so leave me alone."

ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚

"Hey, Edmund..." Susan said quietly as she walked into the tent where Edmund was getting ready to leave.

"What is it now?" Edmund rolled his eyes.

"I'm so sorry Ed. I never should have done that and not that it will make a difference now, but I'll break up with Caspian."

"Thanks, Susan." He smiled.

"Can I please be your sister again?"

"Of course." They both hugged each other and then Susan made her way out of the tent, but she stopped and said something before completely leaving.

"Also Caspian does like you and has been trying to tell you."

"Nice to know, but he still messed up and I don't want to talk to him right now. He broke my heart so I have the right to be angry with him."

"Never said you didn't. Just giving you something to think about and hurry up and get ready because we have to leave."

ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚

It was time for the Pevensie sibling to leave. Aslan was trying to convince the telmarines that didn't want to stay to go to his country. Reechipeep volunteered to have 7 mice go through. Aslan nodded and Reechipeep went to find them.

"I think it's our time to leave," Peter spoke up.

"You are right my child," Aslan stated.

Edmund, Lucy, and Peter made their way to say goodbye to their friends and Susan went over to Caspian. Susan quickly kissed Caspian one last time. "Not like there would be a way we could still date, but I have to make this official. We are over Cas."

"Okay, I understand," Caspian said.

"We never would have been able to continue to date anyway."


"You know why." Caspian looked over at Edmund and made sure no one was looking nor listening to them before speaking.

"I love him. More than I will ever love you and I feel so bad for what I did to him. I messed up and I just want everything to go back to how it was, but I know that won't ever happen again and it's my fault."

"Cas don't say that. He will forgive you eventually. I know my brother and he just needs time."

"I don't believe you."

"Look, If you are still alive when Ed and Lu return then try to get your guy's relationship back, but only if he seems ready. You guys are literally made for each other so don't lose hope." Caspian nodded and Susan went over to her siblings.

Caspian looked over at them and realized Edmund was staring at him. They both made eye contact and Caspian mouthed "I'm sorry."

Edmund shook his head and before he knew it the four siblings were gone.

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