Beach Fright

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The sun shines brightly in the sky with the sound of waves, sea gulls, and children laughing filling the atmosphere of the beach. The Doctor, with green shirt, lays on the chair with her sonic sunglasses on, enjoying her drink, while watching AJ draw in the sand with a stick. Clementine with a t-shirt and shorts opens the TARDIS door and K9 follows her.

Clementine:"No, K9."

K9:"But, mistress..."

Clementine:"You know the rules. You can't leave the TARDIS when we're in Earth's past."K9 lowers his head. Clementine steps out of the TARDIS, closes the door, and then walks to the Doctor."Of all the things I hoped will change, I thought your overprotection was one of them."

Doctor:"What are you talking about?"

Clementine stares at the Doctor annoyed.

Clementine:"Seriously, Doctor?"

Clementine points to her clothes.

Doctor:"Hey. I gave you a choice. Either wear the diving wetsuit or dress casual."

Clementine:"Doctor, I'm sixteen now. I know how to protect myself at some beach."

Doctor:"You're a sixteen year old in a thirteen year old body. What would happen if a thirteen year old boy was to look at you? You're better off wearing something that says 'Stay away. I'm not interested'."

Clementine:"You know, for a person that spent decades in prison, you don't seem like you have changed at all."The Doctor just shrugs. Clementine sighs then walks toward AJ and kneels down."What are you drawing there, goofball?"AJ stops drawing and Clementine looks at it and sees a figure next to a rounded square."I'm not very good at this. Hmm? Is it me and K9?"AJ nods and points at her."It is me. I knew it."

All while nearby, two young sisters were digging in the sand.

Patricia:"Arg! We are mighty close."

Minnie:"I can taste the gold."

They continue digging until Patricia's plastic shovel gets swallowed by the sand.

Patricia:"Hey! Give me back my shovel, sand."

Patricia starts digging with her hands then Minnie starts helping her. Suddenly, Patricia gets dragged away from the hole.


Minnie runs toward her sister and grabs her sister's hand. Minnie struggles to pull Patricia back towards her, but all of a sudden, Patricia stops being dragged. But a moment later, a sandman emerges. The girls scream and the mother, the Doctor, and Clementine hear them. Clementine grabs AJ and all three of them run to the girls and see the sandman.


The sandman turns to the Doctor and charges toward her. The Doctor pulls Clementine behind her and prepares to activate the sonic sunglasses, but then the sandman crumbles itself back into the sand. The mother runs toward her girls.

Mother:"Minnie, Patricia, are you two okay?"



Mother:"Come on. We're leaving."

The mother grabs her kids' hands and leaves the beach. The Doctor scans the sand with the sunglasses.

Clementine:"What was that?"

Doctor:"I don't know. But I've seen something similar like this before, from the future. But this one was different."The Doctor checked the result."That can't be possible."

Clementine:"What is it?"

Doctor:"It says nothing. Just normal sand. That can't be right."The Doctor scoop a handful of sand."Come on."

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