Chapter 19

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     We were sitting around in the living room, Trying to figure out what to do next

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

     We were sitting around in the living room, Trying to figure out what to do next. "A passerby wouldn't of left Bella's father alive."  Rosalie brought up. 

     "Well we now know it's officially Victoria behind everything going on in Seattle. Including the disappearance of Riley Biers, she using this poor boy and manipulating him into doing everything and anything she wanted." I stated to my family. 

    "So since we know who's behind this. She's orchestrating this. I think we should let Bella know and take shift with patrolling her house." Dad suggested. 

   Alice was confused, "Victoria? I would of seen her decide." She expressed her concern and confusion. 

   I looked at Pixie, " It makes since that I saw Riley." I sat next to her, " She is playing around with your visions. Because she knows about them. But not mine, we'll end this don't worry. I gotcha Pixie" I gave her a smile of reassurance, she side hugged me. 

   Jasper and Emmett came walking back in, " The scent disappeared about 5 miles south of Bella's house." Jazz shared this new piece of information.

  I rolled my eyes, " Why not get Sam and the mutts involved and let them help? I mean one of them is already up her ass anyway." I suggested back moving back to Edward's side. 

  Edward wrapped his arms around me and pressed a kiss onto the top of my head. "I think it's a good idea. We still need to feed and continue our 'regular' lives so no one gets suspicious about us."  He said backing up my idea. 

    " I agree wit Serena,  so Bella wouldn't be defenseless." Esme chimed in, sending me a quick wink. 

    Soon as everyone was in an agreement. Dad sent me and Edward on his behalf to talk to Sam and the rest of the pack while he went back to the hospital for an emergency call.  Once the Volvo pulls up to the treaty line. We get out and waited on our side for the dogs to show up.  I was sitting on the hood of the car as Edward stood in-between my legs. 

  He intertwined our fingers together, "Just think, when all this is over. We'll be able to plan our wedding and set off somewhere away from all of this." 

   Wrapping my arms around his neck, " Somewhere quiet, secluded

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

   Wrapping my arms around his neck, " Somewhere quiet, secluded. Just you and me, settling down. Living the rest of our immortal lives together. Seeing how the evolution of the world changes." 

   "I can't wait to marry you Mrs. Masen." Our foreheads were now resting against each others. 

I gently pressed my lips to his, " I can't wait to marry you too Mr. Edward Anthony Masen." I smirked 

   My eyes drifted off of him and to Sam and 2 other wolfs that just approached the treaty line, I pulled away. " Sam.." I hopped off the car and nodded to him. 

  Edward turned around and held my hand,  he nodded as well.  "Serena..Edward. What do we owe the pleasure of this visit?" He asked. 

    " We need the assistance of you and the rest of the pack. There was a nomad vampire who was inside Bella's home. They took something with her scent, they left her father alive though.  It's the missing kid Riley Biers, he's working with the red headed bitch.  We wouldn't be able to fully maintain everything without additional help."  I told him honestly. 

  Edward nodded, "We figured after everything that happened with one of your elders. You and the pack would want to help out." 

   Sam nodded as he listened to our plea, " We'll help you guys out. We'll switch off with you guys. So you all can feed." 

   I nodded my head to him, "Thank you. I'll let my father and the rest of my family know." 

 Sam nodded his head, "I'll send someone to Bella's house to pick up on the scent of the nomad vampire. So we can keep our noses out for it. " 

      As the coming days passed, we tried to coexist with the wolves as we swapped out through the nights. So many times I wanted to train these mutts for their rude behavior. Guess you know what they say, can't teach an old dog need tricks. 

~~Few Days later~~

    We didn't have to patrol the humans home tonight so we were just in the living room watching the news. I was leaning against the wall watching the tv with my dad with my brothers as we saw just how Seattle was being torn upside down. This wasn't just Victoria and Riley alone. 

   Emmett, dad and Jasper were talking about how everything was getting worse. And how it take more take a few of our kind to cause this much distraction. Whoever was doing this was undisciplined and conspicuous. 

   The lightbulb went off in my head, " Oh my god" I shouted 

   Everyone looked at me especially Edward when he walked into the living room. "What is it Serena?" 

   I looked at Jasper, " It's a newborn army. It makes sense, Victoria chose Riley because he knows the area. Put him in charge of create vampires so she has an army to face us. Using this to play with Alice's visions." 

   Edward put his hand on my waist " You're right. We are the closest clan to Seattle." 

  "Plus she only knows about element ability. She has no clue about my vision. She can't play with mine like she can with Alice's." I pointed out. 

  Dad looked perplexed, " We are all better together. All of our abilities work well when we are together as a family." 

    "She won't be able to mess with this family Serena!" Emmett boasted, "Now I'm excited for this newborn army! Show them how vampire's really get down." 

 Pixie comes skipping into the living room with a big grin on her face, "I'm going to through a graduation party" 

   I looked at Edward, "Oh boy.." 

Authors Note:  I so freaking appreciate every single one of you that voting and adding A Thousand Years to your reading lists and libraries

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Authors Note:  I so freaking appreciate every single one of you that voting and adding A Thousand Years to your reading lists and libraries. It makes so much to me.  I'm going to try to update more. If anyone has anymore story ideas, feel free to leave a comment or inbox me. I'm open to anything. Hope you all enjoy <3 

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