Chapter 7

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Alice's POV

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Alice's POV

        Walking around the house trying to find Edward, I decided to look in the last place I could think of. He was sitting at his piano, I really should have looked there from the beginning to be completely honest. He was in sitting by his piano, pressing keys, I pull up the empty seat next to him as he stops playing and looks at me.

"If you're here to tell me that I messed up, please leave." Edward said to me, I shook my head.

     I grabbed his hand, "No, I'm not here to tell you that. You already know you've messed up. But I am here to tell you that you need to make the right choice. Edward, you have to really look at the pros and cons between with this situation. Is a human really worth breaking up and losing the family. Don't get me wrong I have nothing against her but really think about everything. I'd honestly rather you than Caius." After I said that he cut me off.

"What do you mean Caius?" He asked me with a confused look on his face

      I sighed, "I mean, Serena left to go to Italy for a few days.....and I know who she's going to go see. Her and Caius have this type of relationship but nothing like yours. You really broke her heart Edward, you have no idea how long it took her to pluck up some courage to tell you how she felt after all this time that she truly loves you." I said as I got up and went back into mine and Jasper's bedroom.

     I just really hope Serena doesn't make her stay permanent. Sitting down near my vanity, I gasped as I was getting a vision....

     Serena was heading down to the throne room to see, Marcus, Aro and Caius. They requested an audience with her since she arrived. The doors opened as all you heard were the clicking sounds of her heels.

"My dear have you made your choice?" Aro asked her as she sighed.

    She sighed as her golden eyes looked up at Aro's. "If you will have me then my answer is yes" She replied to him with a smirk.

Aro clapped gleefully, "At last one of you Cullen's have come to your senses."

 Caius's gaze moves towards her, he stands up from his throne and makes his way over to her. He places his hand on her lower part of her back and walks her out the room. Soon as the doors close behind them. He pulls her into his chest, "I'm glad you agreed, You'll be behind my chair." he said to her.

Serena smiled, "Isn't more of a personal request then my actual placement?"

Caius smirked as he looked down at her, his hand cupped her porcelain skinned cheek, " It's a personal request." His lips met hers.

I gasped at the thought of Serena leaving the family and joining the Volturi all because of the argument her and Edward had. I just hope she rethinks what path she might go down.

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