Chapter 3

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     After that incident with Bella and Edward in biology, I took a few days for myself

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     After that incident with Bella and Edward in biology, I took a few days for myself. My father and Esme understood and left me alone. They both know it's been years since Edward yelled at me like that. So I'm just sitting in my room in my hammock chair staring out at the forest. Listening to nature is the best music I can ever hear. I started a small fire in the palm of my hand, twirling it a little, testing out little fire sparks. I heard footsteps enter my room, looking behind me I see my father sitting down on my bed and patted the seat next to him. I got up and sat next to him placing my head onto his shoulder. 

    "What's on your mind Serena?" my father asked, he pulled away a little bit to look at me

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    "What's on your mind Serena?" my father asked, he pulled away a little bit to look at me.
I returned the look and sighed, "Edward is on my mind, ever since he left. I still can't get over that he yelled at me and that he left over a mere human" I vented out. 

" I understand where you are coming from Serena but you have to realize that he has to fight his own demons darling. He knows you're there for him, just got to give him time." He told me as I simply nodded as he gave me a kiss on the forehead and left. 

  I played with my ring that held my family crest. I still remember when he presented it to me. I thought my father would give it too me, but the ring coming from him made it even more special. 


   Walking around Chicago, I kept my jacket close to me as I walk down the street. I seen a body fall out of the shadows of the alley way. It peaked my curiosity, I walked over to the alley way, spotting a pair blood red eyes meet my golden pair. 

"Edward, haven't seen you in a while. Seems like you are doing good for your self" I said directing it towards the dead body on the ground. 

He just kept looking at me, " Serena, haven't seen you in a long time" He walked closer to me. "I've been meaning to give you something for a while now" I took his hand out of his pocket and opened up his hand to reveal to me a victorian styled ring with our family crest. 

I gasped, the ring band was his grandmother's old ring. "Edward, this is your grandmother's ring?" I asked him as I took it to admire it. 

"I figured that my grandmother would of wanted you to have it. You are my best friend Serena and I knew she would of loved you" He told me. 

I placed the ring on my finger and hugged him, "Thank you so much Edward" He placed a kiss onto my forehead as he embraced me. 

"Anything for my Kat" I chuckled at his replied.

~* End of Flashback*~

      The last day of the week, meaning Edward might come home soon. I just hope he does because I need him here. It was sunny today, surprising enough the one of the other things that I miss about being human is getting to feel the sun on my bare skin and not shining like a disco ball.  

  I sat down in my favorite place, my  hammock chair. I grabbed my journal from my end table draw and began to right down my thoughts. But the only thing that comes to mind is Edward, but I fear that the human might change the vision I had in the beginning with me finally marrying Edward. Guess I was too deep into my thoughts I felt the chair stop swinging. Shaking my head and getting out of my thoughts I got up out of the chair and looked to see it was Edward with one of his smiles.  Quickly shutting the book, I got up and walked over to him crossing my around across my chest.

    "You're back" I said in a monotoned voice. I was looking up at him, my golden eyes meeting his. Hoping he can see how much it hurt me that he yelled when I was just trying to help. 

     "I'm sorry I yelled at you Serena. That was uncalled for I know you only mean't well" He apologized 

  I sighed, giving in because I knew he listened into what I was thinking. "I forgive you, I guess I overreacted. 

    I went and gave him a hug, missed being in his embrace. Feeling his arms wrap around me, just made me feel more at home. I pulled away looking up at him. Just to have our faces only a few centimeters away each other, "I can never stay mad at you Edward" I said in a mere whisper.

 Just to have our faces only a few centimeters away each other, "I can never stay mad at you Edward" I said in a mere whisper

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   "Guys! Come downstairs!!" Alice yelled. 

We pulled away from each other, if I could blush right now I would. 'Damnit Alice..' I thought 

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