Chapter 8

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      Instead of flying too Forks, I had to make a slight detour to Arizona

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

      Instead of flying too Forks, I had to make a slight detour to Arizona. Cause my family decided that they'd split up to get the tracker off of Bella's scent, while Alice and Jasper take Bella away until everything is taken care of. Heading to the address of the hotel that Alice and Jasper are at with the damn human. Soon as I walk into the lobby, I head straight for the elevator and press the floor that the room is on. Instantly by walking off the elevator I smell her blood and it makes me sick. Arriving at the door, it swings opens up to reveal a panicking Alice and Jasper on the phone calling the rest of the family, so they know what's just happened.

"Let me guess, you guys went downstairs to check out of the room and when you come back upstairs she isn't in the room?" I said simply suggesting a scenario.

    Alice sighs and nods her head at me, "There is the ballet studio she used to attend here in Arizona when she was a kid. That's where she's most likely heading to now." She told me as I nodded.

"You guys wait up for the rest of the family, I'm gonna go ahead and get to the ballet studio." I said as I speed off towards the studio. Kinda of hoping I get there in time before anything happens.

    But a small part of me doesn't want to get there in time, that part wants to see the nomad go after her, I shake those thoughts from my mind. I quietly walk into the studio, seeing the blond nomad towering over Bella, taunting her. That's until her cries turned into screams, he breaks her shin.

" Tell Edward how much it hurts." He sticks the camera into her face, " Tell him to avenge you!" he says getting excitement out of her pain and agony.

      " No! Edward, don't

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

" No! Edward, don't .." Bella manages to get out.

I charge at him and push him across the room, he looks up at me and smirks "Well Serena lovely seeing you again."

"James why am I not surprised to see you here." He charges at me and forces me up against a column.

" You're alone...because you're faster than the others. But not stronger." James smashes my face into the mirror.

   I hear the cracks of the mirror underneath my head, "Thats where you're wrong, I'm strong enough to kill you." I use my ability to create a wind tunnel throwing him into one of the mirrors away from me and Bella.

    Edward shows up, his head turns to look at me then looks at Bella, he runs to Bella and picks her up and tries to escape with her through the balcony but James pulls them down and flings Edward up into the window. James grabs Bella's hand looking at me and Edward with a sinister grin. In a quick second he bites her forearm and all you hear is Bella screaming in pure fear and agony.

    Edward pounces off of the broken window and dive bombs James into the floorboards in rage

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

    Edward pounces off of the broken window and dive bombs James into the floorboards in rage. I run over to Bella and try to make a call my father would think is right for this situation. I hear James screaming in pain, I look up to see Edward biting a piece of his neck off and tossing it aside. Out of no the rest of my family shows up, Emmett, Jasper and Alice come from the balcony while my father appears out of thin air and stops Edward from going any further with James.

" Stop, remember who you are." He says to him. He turns back and looks at Bella, " Bella needs you.."

Alice takes over Bella , "Carlisle the blood!" she yells urgently

"Your brothers and Serena will take care of James." my father says

   Emmett holds onto James while me and Jasper rip up the floorboards, once we got enough wood. I use my ability to create the fire, walking over to my siblings. I had tree roots wrapped around his limbs as Alice jumps onto James and rips off his head and tosses it into the fire. We rip off the rest of his body parts and burn them in the fire.

  While my family has all of the situations under control, my eyes drift over to Edward and Bella. Reality settling in my mind and the instant feeling of sadness and loneliness washes over me. Turning around walking out of the studio to head back home to Forks.

~* Days Later*~

      I'm outside on one of the balconies sitting on top of the railing with a wine glass of animal blood. Staring into the woods, feeling the wind blow through my hair. I can hear footsteps coming towards me, not one pair of footsteps but two. i knew instantly it was my father and Esme. Cause everyone else is at Forks High School at prom, including my siblings, Edward and Bella. I turn my head to look at my parents and give them a slight smile.

"Serena, I'm surprised you didn't go to prom with the rest of them." Esme pointed out as my father agreed with her.

He walks over to me and places his arm around me and brings me into a one armed hug, "Sweetheart, tell me what's wrong. You left us before and had me and Esme worried."

    I looked at both of my parents and sighed, " I'm never gonna find that ounce of happiness, I don't have anyone by my side meanwhile everyone else in this house has someone. With Bella being exposed to our world it's gonna bring nothing but chaos into our lives. Yet Edward doesn't see that, my heart still yearns for him but he's blinded by a human. His future is dark and it scares me. But all I can do is sit on the sidelines and let all of this craziness be condoned." I vented to my parents. "I almost took Aro's offer and joined the Volturi...but I declined..for now.." I confessed to them. 

  My father was very surprised to heard that sentence come out my mouth, "What would make you really decide that was the right thing to do? To go to the Volturi and almost leave us just when we got you back." 

  I sighed, " It physically hurts my heart to see my mate being blinded by his own stupidity, like he's truly happy with her. Like he's really meant to be with little miss living. While his true mate has been here this whole time. If I can't have someone by my side, my mate. Why wouldn't give the Volturi a thought." 

   Esme looked at my father and nodded, he left us alone, "Sweetheart, I know it hurts. I couldn't even imagine how you're feeling but you aren't alone. You have us, we all are on the sidelines with you watching everything unfold. We both can see what this is doing to you. It hurts me and your father to see the light in your eyes fade to loneliness. But something tells me that it won't be like that for long don't fret." She places a gentle motherly kiss on my forehead and smiles at me and walks back inside to find my father.

      Replaying Esme's words in my mind, a small smile spreads onto my face. Maybe she's right, every dog has their day and I'll have mine just have to wait for the right moment to hit me in the face. As I walk up the stairs that leads to the second floor, walking down the hall to my bedroom. I see the photos that I have around my room one of them captures my eye, it's of me and Edward just simply laughing at something one of us has said.

'I'll entertain this for now. Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass but learning to dance in the rain."

A Thousand Years [ Edward Cullen Story]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن