Chapter 1 : Noć Veštica [Night of the Witches]

ابدأ من البداية

Without any warning she grabbed me by my wrist and started to pull me toward the big wooden bedroom door. The silver hand knob was shining bright thanks to the candle lights that were lit up in the room. She pulled the door open in a single swift motion with her left hand, while holding my wrist with her other hand. The door made a loud crack sound, which signifies that the door was pretty old and rusty. The moment Naveah pulled me through the door, and I stepped on the wooden floor right outside our bedroom door, was the moment a cold shiver went straight through my spine. We were alone in this dimply lit hallway, yet I didn't feel like we were alone. Each step we took echoed through the hallway.

It was silent, and for an old big castle like this, that was something new. Walking step by step to the basement gave me a knot in my stomach. The closer we got, the more hair of my body started to stand up. Without any fear Naveah led me (Without my consent not to mention) to the basement of the castle. She has this fierce look in her eyes, the look that means she wants to know something and will do anything to find out what it is. Walking though the many hallways and staircases, with a chilly and negative energy around us, surrounding us, was something that just made me very uncomfortable. Being lost in my thoughts again for a while made me realise we reached the basement door a lot sooner then I expected it to be, with another swift motion she opened the even bigger and heavier wooden door, even tho this doorknob was copper, which is a bit odd but maybe they simply liked it that way, what would I know about this castle right? A even colder hallway appeared in front of us, it was so cold that the hallway was a bit misty, you could hear the water drop on the floor from the water leak. Those sounds made this whole situation a lot creepier. Still holding onto my wrist Naveah proceeded with her leading the way, we ended up at a certain part of the basement where there were hospital beds. Something that gave me a bad feeling.

As we kept walking we ended up seeing something laying on one of the hospital beds, it was one of the orphan kids that was supposed to be adopted a week before hand, Milah was her name, she was a 7 year old little girl with big dreams and ambitions. Seeing her cold lifeless body laying on that bed was something that made me feel different emotions at once. Sadness, Grief, Confusion and Anger. Why would someone do that to her? I wanted to walk towards her and give her a proper goodbye, but before I could even do anything Naveah grabbed me by the wrist again and pulled me to a corner of one of the hallways, In utter shock I wanted to scream and yell at my sister for taking me with force to a very dark corner.

The moment I wanted to open my mouth Naveah held her hand in front my mouth and told me to stay quit. My eyes started to scroll the dark hallway, getting used to the dark made me see a shadow walk to the dead body. Anger arised in me thinking that I was able to do something and protect the body, but my eyes were quick to tell me that I was nothing but a baby witch. My powers aren't strong enough to stop this person, and neither was Naveah, her power is also not strong enough to stop this person. My eyes started to widen even more, the shadow was standing in front of Milah her lifeless body.

I was confused and yet curious in what the shadow was about to do, my curiosity grew when I saw the shadow putting a red rose on the body of the child. " You left too soon Milah, you truly will be missed" I heard a familiar voice say, I simply couldn't put my finger on it from whom the voice was. Followed with a certain incantation in another language which made my ears ring. After the incantation was said a dark purple kind of energy ball started to submerge from the child, floating in the air, it went from her feet to her forehead, it did so for 3 times and after the third time, the floating ball started to go to the shadows hand, following with another incantation the ball started to become smaller and the shadow consumed the energy ball. After the shadow consumed the energy ball, it started to walk away.

Naveah let go of me and started to think, me on the other hand was in total disgust. Because that was simply unreal to witness, I've never seen anything like it.

~ Unpredictable ~حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن