Why am I broken?

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For the past few days, Ji-woo has come out of nursery really upset. We've all asked her why but she refuses to say anything to any of us. We've even asked the substitute teacher if anything is happening during the day but she said that nothing is happening.

Today was probably the worst day we've had with her because the moment myself and y/n picked her up from nursery, she was just crying. She won't even let go of me and refuses to get out of my arms.

Luckily, Jimin decided to make dinner tonight, so I managed to have a long cuddle session with my poor little girl before we eat. "Food's done" Jimin announces and we all make our way to the kitchen.

"There you go pumpkin" I say as I place her in her chair. However, the moment I let go, she starts screaming and crying, shocking us all. "Hey baby, it's okay" y/n says as she crouches down next to her. Ji-woo just looks up at me with her arms raised.

"DADDY" she screams when I don't pick her up straight the way, too shocked to move from her screaming. "Shh it's okay, come on pumpkin" I say as I snatch her in my arms, where she sobs and heaves into my chest. The guys just look at her with sympathy, but don't say anything, letting us sort it.

I sit on my chair with Ji-woo still in my arms and y/n swaps seats to be next to me. "Baby, can you look at me please?" y/n asks gently. Ji-woo slowly turns her head and I see y/n's expression drop to worry "tell mummy what's wrong baby, we can help you" she tells our poor baby.

"Mummy, daddy and dads can help you sweetie, you just need to let us know what is happening" Tae says as he comes around and sits next to y/n. Ji-woo clings on to me more. "W..why a..am I broken?" she whispers, making us all gasp. "Baby, what on earth are you on about?" y/n asks as she rubs the back of her head.

"M..my scars are ugly" she tells us "your scars?" Jungkook asks her. That's when she starts tugging at her shirt, in places where she was shot all them months ago. "Oh baby" y/n says as she takes Ji-woo from my hold and cuddles her tight.

"A..and teacher said n..nobody loves me" Ji-woo adds, my heart dropping at what she just said "your teacher?" Yoongi grits through his teeth. Hobi quickly runs over and snatches Ji-woo in his arms "we love you more than anything in this world petal, you're our special little girl" he tells her and we all agree.

"Who the hell tells a child that?" Namjoon questions out loud "I'm going in tomorrow and pulling Ji-woo out, nobody speaks to my little girl like that" I tell y/n, who agrees with me. "beautiful, come here" Jungkook says and Hobi hands the little one to him.

He picks her up and places her on the island table, so she is higher than him, then he leans close to her face "can you see the mark on my cheek?" he asks and she slowly nods her head "that's a scar as well" he says.

"I think my scar is cool because it shows that I was a troublemaker, and guess what, we all think your scars are cool too, it shows that you are one strong girl" he tells her. "But teacher says that I'm not pretty with them" Ji-woo whispers whilst tugging at her shirt again.

"Well your teacher is ugly" Yoongi says as he walks over and takes the little one in his arms. Luckily, his comment makes her laugh "Yeh and she smells" Tae adds "her feet are too big" Jimin joins in "and her hair is full of bugs" Namjoon plays along "EWWWW" Ji-woo screams whilst laughing.

"You are the most beautiful girl in the world baby" y/n says whilst snatching her from Yoongi "and we're going to tell you that everyday" I say whilst cuddling up to my girls "how about, instead of going nursery on Thursday, me and you can go to the zoo" I suggest to my baby girl.

Ji-woo is quick to nod her head with a smile "that's the smile we want to see, let's have our dinner and then we can watch a movie" I say and that's what we do, the each of us eat our dinner and then watch Ji-woo's favourite movie until it was time for bed.

"Good night baby" y/n says as we all kiss our little girl's head. After we do, we go downstairs and sit on the sofas, I instantly grab y/n and cuddle up with her in the corner of the big sofa. "I'm gonna rip that bitches head off" y/n grumbles into my chest "language" I say before smacking her ass.

"But you're right, I can't believe a full grown woman is picking on a child" I say "are you both going in tomorrow?" Namjoon asks us and we nod our heads "I'm gonna rip her a new one, telling my daughter that she is broken and nobody loves her, the hell" y/n snaps.

"Sorry, I don't mean to be angry at you guys, I'm just so angry at the thought of what Ji-woo has been going through everyday" she apologises. "No it's okay love, I'm just hoping that the nursery gets rid of her" Hobi says as he leans down and kisses the back of her head.



The moment I woke up this morning, I was ready to beat that bitches ass for how she has been with my baby. Luckily Jisoo was free to look after her whilst myself and Jin went to the nursery.

Right now, Jin is driving to the nursery and we're not far from the disgusting place "baby, just remember, there are children in the building" he says as he rubs the top of my leg "I know, I'm going straight to the main office, I'm also going to record the exchange" I sigh as I take his hand in mine.

As we pull up, all my sanity leaves my body and all that's left is pure rage. Before Jin can say anything else, I jump out of the car and head straight to the door, and hit record on my phone. Jin quickly follows and we both rush to the office.

"I NEED A WORD WITH JI-WOO'S TEACHER RIGHT NOW" I scream, scaring the crap out of the head teacher. "Miss l/n, please don't shout in the premises or you'll be removed" is all he tells me, angering me even more.

"Get Ji-woo's teacher here now" I grit through my teeth. The headmaster looks concerned before getting his little assistant to fetch the horrible bitch. "May I ask what this is about?" he asks us but all y/n does is raise her hand, silencing the shocked man.

The door opens and we see Ji-woo's teacher wander in with a confused look "so you're the bitch who's been horrible to my daughter huh?" y/n questions as she gets into the woman's face. "I don't know what you're talking about, who's your daughter?" she acts clueless.


"She's such a liar, I never said that, all I said was that her scars are gross and she's clearly a broken girl whose parents didn't love her" the bitch explains, without a care in the world. "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?" I shout, making everyone but y/n jump.

"She is a baby, a fucking baby and you're going around saying that too her, you should not be around children at all you fucking monster" I say as I also get closer to the woman. "Everyone, it's time to calm down, Mr Kim, I get you're upset but tame the wife" the headmaster chuckles.

I see red, I go over and grab the man by the collar and drag him up "you fucking what?, say that shit again, do not make jokes about my family" I whisper in his face before slamming him back into the chair.

"Because of the negligence of this place, we're pulling Ji-woo out of this disgusting place AND we're removing your nursery from the hospital we both work at. We don't want any other parents going through this" I say as I walk over to y/n, who has tears in her eyes.

"Now Mr Kim, there's no need to do that, we can work this out" the headmaster pleads but all I do is chuckle "no thanks, you've fucked up and so have you" I say as I point at the silent bitch, who's hiding in the corner.

"Let's go baby, I don't wanna be in this building anymore" I say to y/n and I walk us out the office. As we leave, we're welcomed to the other parents of the children in Ji-woo's class "we heard it all, we're also dragging our children out" one of the parents says.

"Allowing poor Ji-woo to go through that is disgusting, y/n, Jin, we're all behind you and if you ever want to catch up and allow the kids to have a playdate, don't be afraid to message us" another one says.

We say thank you to everyone and watch as they head to the office "let's go baby" I say and we both head back to the car "your mamma bear really came out just then" I say, making y/n chuckle "well your papa wolf came out" she argues, causing me to let out a chuckle. 

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