20. let bygones linger on

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Robbins Ranch

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The peace the gang found at Robbins Ranch could only last for so long.

They were hardly a week into staying there when John declared that they had spotted some lawmen patrolling the woods and trails leading towards the ranch. They weren't too close yet, but were well on their way.

"There were some strange men with them too," John added, looking at Dutch despite a small crowd gathering around him. "Some men in black suits with red ties. Didn't look like regular ol' law to me."

Dutch raised an eyebrow while Hosea rubbed his chin. "Perhaps they're special forces looking for us and the O'Driscolls," the white-haired man mused. "They've caused quite a stir, too. With our robbery in Great Falls, it wouldn't be long before they did something else drastic to find us."

Special forces? Concerned murmurs rippled through the small assembly. Dutch cleared his throat, causing all of them to silence at once.

"Regardless, we will stay calm," the leader proclaimed, surveying his gang. "They haven't caught us yet, and they won't catch us now. This just means we'll need to keep moving."

"But where?" Karen called out, hand on her hip. "We got more forests everywhere we look."

"South of here may be best," Hosea suggested, turning to Dutch. "Towards the Grizzlies. I'm a bit familiar with that country myself, though not much."

The Grizzlies? Joyce frowned to herself. She'd never been out of her state before — there had been no need. So there wasn't much she could vouch for it. But she'd heard some hit-or-miss things about Ambarino...

"I'd say it's the best chance we have," Dutch agreed. Some of the gang members glanced at each other in concern.

"Dutch, them Grizzlies can get nasty — even at this time of year," Arthur muttered lowly.

"Then it'll be perfect for throwing off our trail." The pompous man straightened up, raising his voice again for all to hear. "All of you, get yourselves ready to move. We'll be heading out first thing tomorrow morning. We can't risk these lawmen finding out where we are."

Joyce's heart sank. She looked at Ezra, their locked gazes portraying the same worry. They'd be leaving their old home once more — abandoning it to the elements, the squatters, whatever else may be looming.

And if they left with the gang... they'd likely never come back there again. Maybe not even to Montana.

It was their last chance to leave...

Joyce stiffened when she felt a deft hand touch her shoulder. But when she turned around it was Mary-Beth with Tilly, looking at her with worried eyes. "...You okay, Ms. Robbins?"

"...I'm alright," the blonde lied, shaking her head. "Just... lost in thought, I suppose."

"This was your home... I'm sure there were a lot of memories here," Tilly mused. "I can't imagine it's easy just gettin' back here and leavin' again."

Joy & Woe - An Alternate RDR2 Story | Arthur Morgan x OC |Where stories live. Discover now