She seemed to relax at that. She nodded, sucking in her lip ring. "Okay."

Shane looked at her, noticing how she avoided making eye contact with him. "I'm sure you are aware that it's not professional to avoid eye contact."

She huffed subtly through her nose and apologized quickly. Her heart thudded loudly against her chest as she forcefully summoned her will to hold his gaze.

She apologized, flustered, "I'm sorry."

"What exactly is going on, Lara?" He knew what exactly was off with her, but he needed to aim his target well before he fired his shot. 

He never made mistakes when it came to charming women, but with Lara, he knew he needed to tread more carefully.

She wasn't like any of the other women he had been involved with in the past. He only cared about getting into their pants, nothing more.

But with Lara, he wanted more than that. He wanted not just a part of her; he wanted all of her, but he would have to earn her trust to gain that.

However, Lara didn't appear ready at the moment to grant him his wish. She was particularly guarded around him, and no matter how hard he tried to make her let down her walls, she cemented them higher and stronger.

He was like fire to her. A compelling fire she mustn't get in contact with, or else she risks being burned; it would leave an indelible scar on her.

"What do you mean?" She feigned ignorance.

"I thought we were friends now, Lara. Do I make you uncomfortable?"

She choked out a laugh. "No." She shook her head.  "Of course you don't. I apologize if I've acted in a way to make you think that way. I'm sure... uh, exploring Paris is a wonderful idea." She swept her tongue briefly over her lip.

"And stop doing that, please," he snapped.

"Uh, right," Lara breathed.

He realized what he had done as he watched the withdrawn look on her face. "I didn't mean to snap at you."

She twitched her lips and smiled flatly. "I understand. It's fine."

"Lara," he persisted.

"Shane." She held his gaze. "It's a habit I have. I've always been told by my boyfriend that it's unsettling when I do that."

An alarm set off within him at her words; his nose flared, and his eyes widened. "You have a boyfriend?" He spat.

She furrowed her brows. "Yes. A friend of mine who is a male."

He relaxed. "Oh." He paused. "We should get to know each other since we've agreed to be friends, and maybe that would help with your unease around me."

"I'm not at unease around you," she denied, the words rolling off her tongue rapidly.

"You're sure?" He teased, a smirk cupping a corner of his mouth.

She looked at him. "Of course. I'm not."

"So, do I have your pardon?"

"For what?" She recalled what. "It's fine. You are free to express your disapproval."

"I don't disapprove of the action itself."

She gave a then-what look. "You are not pleased to see me biting down on my lips. I get it."

Absentmindedly, she bit down on her lip again.

"I warned you."

With a low growl under his breath and propelled by his desires, Shane leaped off his seat, covered the distance to hers with a long, powerful stride, and slammed his lips roughly against hers.

The Playboy's Crush By Deborah A. OlaleyeWhere stories live. Discover now