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"Miranda it's been a year you need to get back out there," Callie told her as they walked out of the OR.

"I am trying. I went on the one date." She reminded.

"And you never called him back."

"Because he wasn't my type and that was a horrible date. He talked about himself the whole time."

You can't find anyone at home, come out with us tonight."

"Torres, I don't know. I've never been to a club before." Miranda huffed. If it was anything like the movies she definitely was trying to go.

"Exactly because you were a wife and a mother."

"I'm still a mother."

"So, a mother who needs to experience this. You should have been experienced this." Callie stated grabbing her arm so they could stop walking. "So say you'll come out with us."

"Fine, but I don't have anything to wear."

"Leave it to me. I'll bring you some options."

"I don't want nothing out of your closet," Miranda said quickly.

"I don't know whether to be offended or not?"

"No offense."

"It won't be from my closet. I need to go to the mall today. I will buy you some going-out clothes."

"Thank you. I'll give you the money back and don't pick anything too crazy."

"I won't and don't worry about paying me It's fine. I'll be at your house tonight at 6."She smiled.

"Who is all coming out with us."

"Uh Altman and Arizona."

"Altman agreed to go out with the two of you?"

"What's wrong with us?"

"You two are dating so it would make her the third wheel," Miranda explained.

"Mm, I never thought of that."

Yeah. I'll see you tonight. I have patients I need to go check on." Miranda smiled before walking away. She had to admit that she was excited about tonight. She was always lonely when the kids were with Ben.

At 6 pm Callie showed up with so many bags and boxes it was ridiculous.

"What did you do buy the whole store?" Miranda inquired looking around her bedroom as she sat everything down.

"I bought dresses, shirts, skirts, pants, and jumpsuits. Then the accessories, shoes, and underclothes. We needed complete looks."

"Thank you. Which one should I wear tonight? This is a 30s and up club right?"

"Yes. It's also an all-white party tonight so I brought you a white dress. I'm going to home and get dressed we are meeting there at 8. Wear makeup and heels. There's a clear pair of heels in there that will go great."

"You're a good best friend you know that."

"I know." She laughed walking out of her room.

Miranda took a shower and then got dressed. She almost had a heart attack when she saw what she looked like in the dress. It was way too much. The dress was designed to be tight so you could see every curve she owned. The neckline was a plunging V so her breasts were on display heavily. She knew that this dress was going to draw attention to herself. Men were probably going to be hitting on her all night.

Despite wanting to take it off and just cancel on them she proceeded with taking the rollers out of her hair and doing her makeup. She slid the clear heels on and looked at herself in the mirror. If she was honest she wouldn't mind dressing like this every once and a while. It was sexy, overly sexy.

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