7. Here Goes Nothing

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⌠⌠LEILA 🥀⌡⌡

If getting acquainted with the royal family meant daily bustles in the wee hours of the morning, then, it was time I agreed that I did not want a part in it.

Sure, it was dreamy to have the fellowship of the prince for one's authority and respect could increase. Word across the country was, he was even more popular among the people than his father. I was beholden that I could even be associated with him because it will mean a clean slate for my reputation.

But not if it came at the expense of my quiet mornings.

I sighed, looking at the tall-case clock. Lady Annabelle was pacing around, as she always did of late. Her hair was held in a bun, adorned with jewels I believed were more fitting for a grand occasion. Her long yellow dress seemed new but she did not mind that the hem trailed behind her carelessly.

"Ellen! How much longer will it take you to don a dress? Be quick!" She suddenly shouted and I jumped.

She rang the spring bell and a girl came running. She was one of the new faces. The change among the maids made me wonder if we suddenly had a new stream of revenue, or if there was a plenitude in one of our businesses but, I knew not to ask. The morning was chaotic enough.

"Tell Ellen to come down." Lady Annabelle rubbed her forehead and the maid walked upstairs.

So much fret over nothing.

Sir Hooley had business to attend to this early morning and without him, Lady Annabelle was always on tenterhooks. It seemed as if his presence brought calm to her. That was probably what love was. I wouldn't know, having never experienced it.

I exhaled slowly, carefully, not wanting to interrupt this little quiet and draw her attention to me.

"I am here mother." Ellen said. I spun in her direction as she walked down the staircase. Just like her mother, she wore jewels too stunning and a pretty red dress. However as she inched closer, I recognized the dress as the one I had seen in Mr ap Hugh's suitcase. The one I had wanted over the green.

"Oh, my love." Lady Annabelle took her hands, "You are a sight for sore eyes," then, spun her around. This was incredulous. Why were they looking extravagant, as if they wanted me to look out of place.

I stood up. I will not look a fool or any lesser in this presentation to the royal family. "May I at least, go change my dress?"

They blinked at me. Needless to say, I would not care as this was futile. The prince would not take an interest in me but, it would seem like I did not put in an effort in my appearance. It was some form of disrespect to the royal family. I presume.

Also the prince already disliked me; the sudden change in his gaze last three nights was a testament to that. The best I could do was to clean up nice, it may delay his disagreement to this courtship.

"Oh Leila, jealousy doesn't look good on you." Ellen chimed in. Her face in mock anger, I did not miss the small upturn of her lips.

    It is my middle name, you bloodcurdling human.

"No," Lady Annabelle glared, "I will not suffer another hour being wasted."

I opened my mouth to speak but was interrupted when a parlor maid walked in. "The royal family is here."

Luck, again, has deluded me. Time also.

Ellen clapped in glee, then fixed her dress. I looked down at my grey one, my head suddenly aching and palms sweaty. 

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