8. Of Exes and Better Halves.

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   ⌠⌠ERIC 👑⌡⌡

Sir Atkins led the way, Gibson, my valet, was behind me as we walked through the corridor, towards the room Sir Atkins had prepared for me.

  I'd intended to go to my dwellings and get prepared for the soiree but father had been quicker; sending a van with my clothes and men. I wanted to believe that it was considering we were short on time rather than for his absurd plan of me keeping watch on Miss Somers.

The patterned cream wallpaper was filled with frames of pictures of the family and some people I recognized not. Beneath our feet was a dark red carpet. I came to a realization that she had not a single frame of picture anywhere.

  We walked past a few more doors and out of the door ahead she came, a maid at her heel. She froze when she saw me and curtseyed. I gave her a neck bow, resisting the urge to glance at her once more as we inched closer. The maid scurried behind her, a blue blanket in her arms.

  I caught a faint whiff of my scent when she walked past me. It was an unintelligent mistake to use the same blanket I'd used earlier on her. Why did you even care that she was cold? Where are your senses?

Twice I'd called on her, but she was always elsewhere. What surprised me was how unperturbed her family were about her whereabouts. Wasn't it imperative that we spoke at one point? Wasn't that the purpose of a courtship? Yet, her family seemed to take this upon themselves, and I was baffled at how no one requested her presence.

"This way sire," Sir Atkins opened a door for me and I walked in. It was quite an empty room, save for the bed, the beaded lampshade above a rocking chair and the full length mirror.

  ''Is it to your liking?"

  "It's alright." I unbuttoned my wrist cuff as Sir Atkins shut the door and Gibson laid my clothes on the bed.

My mind wandered to Miss Somers again, against my will. I'd witnessed her earlier this morning briefly, when I'd excused myself from Lady Annabelle, under the pretense of needing the bathroom. Her horseback riding was contrary to her.... usual demeanor. She rode quite well but dangerously, as if she had caged chaos within her.

I ticked my jaw. What would she know about chaos? Her timid nature was an act and if she thought ogling at me longer would catch my attention, she had another thing coming.

Like you didn't do same to get a read on her.

I took in a long breath.

"All done," Gibson said, after putting my coat over my shoulders.

I studied my reflection in the mirror briefly and nodded. "Did you find out what kind of soirée it was?"

"Yes sir, it is a private one, no media and tight security." Sir Atkins said.

"What about the guests? Any person of interest on the list?"

"No one sir, except Earl Marrow and his son. Sir Philip Marrow was Miss Somers' last betrothed."

Ah. The owner of the ring she wore on her left index finger. It really wasn't hard to connect the dots especially with her reaction when his name popped up in their conversation earlier.

It should bruise my ego that she wore the ring of another as a keepsake but, I had dire matters at hand. Besides, this was going to be a brief courtship, I'd rather she do as much as she liked, if it could bring this arrangement to an abrupt end.

We walked out the room and I waited for her in the lounge. I cursed under my breath when I
saw Missus Beddoe walking up to me. It was as though she was waiting.

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