Chapter six

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"Hey guys!" Stanley exclaimed as he opened the door for squid and x-ray. "Hey caveman" "sup man" x-ray and squid both took their shoes off. "Everyone else is outside" stanley handed the two bottle of waters as they started to walk outside to stanleys pool. "Hey guys" magnet spoke as he got out of the pool. "Sup guys" "damn armpit, it feels like its been forever since i seen you" x-ray laughed "my new job takes up my time man!" Armpit laughed along with the rest of the boys and x ray and squid go to put their bags on the chairs on the side. X-ray immediately jumped in the pool while squid followed shortly afterwards, all of them laughing. "Whens zigzag and twitch getting here?" Squid blushed softly as he heard what stanley said. "I dunno man, they said they were on their way" zero spoke to Stanley as he got in the pool. As soon as they said that stanley heard the doorbell ringing and got out of the pool. "Its like zigzags a demon, we say his name to summon him" armpit laughed along with the rest of the boys as magnet spoke. "Hey guys!" The boys heard twitch in the distance as they saw twitch and zigzag walking towards the pool. "Hey man" squid said to zigzag "hey" zigzag said as he placed his bag onto the chair in the distance, he started a running start towards the pool and jumped in, twitch following along as the boys laugh.

Once the boys were done with swimming they all decided to head home, as they were gonna have dinner together tomorrow, squid honestly missed them. He missed the fact that they used to be so close, willing to do everything with each other but now it's feels like pulling teeth whenever they want to hang out as a group. Someone's always busy or they can't make it and squid understands the family stuff, but he doesn't understand why they became so distant. "You need a ride?" Squid asked, looking over at x-ray and zigzag. "Sure man, if you don't mind" x-ray spoke as the two of the glanced over at zigzag, waiting for his response. "Sure man, but I live kinda far...that's why I prefer to catch a ride with twitch, since he lives the closest" twitch had left earlier that evening early because he had something important he forgot about. "nah man it's fine, I'll drop x-ray off first than I'll drop you off" squid spoke, unsure about if being in a car alone with zigzag would make him feel better, or probably worsen his thoughts. Squid, x-ray, and zigzag jumped into squids car and squid started the engine as x-ray yelled at zero, who was walking back to his home. "So, can you guys make it to dinner tomorrow or do we gotta force you like what we had to do to armpit today?" X-ray laughed as zigzag and squid giggled at his comment. "Nah man I think I could make it, what about you zigzag?" Squid spoke "I can make it, maybe.." they continued to make small talk to each other, talking about some random stuff going on at work when squid pulls up to x-rays apartment building. "Thanks for the ride man" x-ray told squid as he jumped out of the car. "No problem man, I'll see you later!" Squid yelled as pulled out of the driveway. X-ray and squid had been living in the same apartment complex since they got released from camp green lake and so far they've been the closest out of the boys, other than squid and zigzag. Squid still had feelings for zigzag but now it's been worst than ever, squid would never admit it however due to his situation at home and also what would happen if the rest of the boys found out. Squid always wondered that too, what would the others think of him?

Squid hated himself for feeling this way, he doesn't know how to explain it. He's not super into dudes, he's had girlfriends in the past before so he knows he's straight, but it's zigzag. Zigzags the one throwing him off, every time they make eye contact and laugh about it he can't help himself and his thoughts and his feelings for him. Zigzag was perfect, sure he was creepy to some people, even sometimes arrogant and mean but squid saw the better in him, squid saw the other things that no one else saw in zigzag, not to say squid was a perfect man who thinks he could change him, but squid always appreciated the flaws in zigzag that others wouldn't give a second look to. That's why squid doesn't understand his feelings about zigzag, he wanted to date him. He's always seen zigzag as a conventionally attractive person, he would do all the gross sappy lovey dovey stuff with zigzag, he would snuggle with him in bed when it got too cold in the house, he would make things for zigzag, he would make him cards and buy him flowers but the idea of what other people thought of him was keeping him back. What if zigzag thought he was "gross" what if the other guys thought he was "weird" what if his parents thought he was a "disappointment of a son" what if-

"Thanks for the ride man" zigzag spoke as he got out of the car, grabbing his backpack full of his wet clothes and towel. "Y-yeah man.. no problem"

I wish he was a girl... -squidzagWhere stories live. Discover now