Chapter three

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Squid and zigzag had just finished digging their holes and were incredibly exhausted. The both of them decided to hang out in the tent before heading to the wreak room with the rest of the boys. "So uhm- squid..." zigzag sat down next to squid on his cot "what was up about last night?" Squid blushes softly as he turns away from zigzag, trying to hide his embarrassment. "I- I should be asking you that question..." zigzag looks suprised for a moment before realizing what he was talking about. "O-oh that was just nothing... honestly didnt think you'd remember since it was pretty late at night.." zigzag layed down on his bed while squid was still sitting up. "Well anyways, it was nothing more than what i told you... so just leave it at that.." zigzag giggled in response as he continued to lay down on squids cot. "Whatever man.." squid giggled as he layed down next to him on the bed both of them just enjoying the silence together.

Later that night zigzag woke up to hear squid get up from his cot again. "You okay?" Zigzag asks with a concerned tone in his voice " alright..cant sleep" squid responded rubbing his eyes. "You wanna go outside? Im bored" zigzag spoke softly as he got up from his cot and grabbed a shirt to put on. "Yeah why not.." squid responds as he got up from his own bed and the two started to walk outside and sat down on the stairs of the mess hall cabin. The two sat there as they started talking about what their gonna do once they leave the camp. "Yeah man, im probably just gonna go back and try to be a normal person but knowing how the people in my small ass town are theyre gonna single me out anyway.." zigzag spoke as he looked into the distance but squids eyes were only focused on him. " probably just gonna go back to my city...probably try find some other family member to live with though...cause you know..." squid looked down at the ground as he had a somber expression on his face. "Yeah man, hope you have good luck with that... you deserve better."

Zigzag continues "on another topic, look at the stars.. you could actually see them.." zigzag gazed at the stars in the sky as he smiled "i miss seeing stars like this back at home sometimes... its so odd seeing stars in a place like this.." zigzag looked over at squid who was staring at him with a admirable look in his eyes. Squid quickly turned away once he noticed zigzag look at him "y-yeah man...their really relaxing.." squid stuttered as he tried to hide his blush and embarrassment. Zigzag giggled at squid "you sure your looking at the stars or are you looking at me man?" Zigzag laughed as squid gave him a playful push on his shoulder. "Shut up man.." Zigzag giggled as the two sat in silence for a moment before hearing the sounds of mr sir and mr padenski waking everyone up. The two immediately get up and start speed walking back to the d-tent. The two decide to pretend to sleep as they can hear mr sir walk in and wake everyone up to start digging holes again.

I wish he was a girl... -squidzagWhere stories live. Discover now