Chapter two

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It was just another day at camp greenlake, all the boys were out digging holes and most of them had just finished theirs. They all were in the mess hall eating dinner while talking about something but squid wasnt really paying attention to what the others were saying all he was thinking about was zigzag. Zigzag, the boy who he had a crush on, the boy that was sitting two feet across from him at the table, but squid would never admit the fact he loved zigzag, especially since considering how his home life was. He soon snapped out of his train of thoughts and joined in on the boy's conversation, although he didnt even understand what the conversation was even about. Once the boys had been done eating they decided to chill out in their tent together and continue their conversation from dinner. Squid layed on his cot and listened to their conversation while laughing at some points when they would tease stanley.

Later that night squid woke up and noticed how dark it was outside. He assumed it was probably really late at night. He looked around the tent and saw all the boys were sleeping in their cots, with armpit snoring the loudest out of the boys. He layed back down in his bed, looking at the roof of the tent and thought about what was gonna happen once he left camp greenlake. He would have to go back to his parents, his alcoholic mother and absent father, the ones who made him feel worthless his entire life. Suddenly squid felt tears forming up in his eyes and he couldn't stop himself, he started to cry at the fact that he had to go back home to his parents and even though he didn't want to be at camp greenlake, he didnt want to be with his parents either.

"You okay?" Squid jumped up in suprise as he heard a voice coming from a cot on the other side of the tent. It was zigzag. "Y-yeah man...I fine.." squid spoke softly as he wiped his tears with his hand. "You dont seem alright, you sure?" Zigzag spoke as he sat up on his cot "I could hear you from here man.." squid got up from his bed and looked over at zigzag "im fine, i just need a minute outside.." squid walked out of the tent and walked out with zigzag shortly following after him. "You can tell me man.. i dont care if it's stupid.." zigzag placed a hand on squids shoulder as they both sat down on the steps lead up to the wooden planks holding up the tents. "I-its just thinking about my not afraid of them, im just afraid of what they're gonna think of me...they didnt care about me before i got here but they probably will now.." Squid said as his voice cracked slightly and he felt himself starting to sob again. "Aw man...that's just- uhm...your gonna be alright man.. you got us, and me. Your gonna be okay" zigzag placed his arm on squids back as he placed his head between his knees, not wanting zigzag of all people to see him cry.

"T-thanks man...that means alot to me" Squid gave zigzag a smile as zigzag pulls squid into a hug, not a really close one but a comforting hug. "No problem man, there is something i did want to tell you though.." zigzag spoke as the two pulled away from the hug. "Yeah man, what is it?" "I- i just...wanted to know- uhm" zigzag stuttered in his sentence, his face turning a little red. "Nevermind man...ill ask you some other time.." zigzag got up and walked back into the tent as squid shortly followed him. 'What did he want to ask me?' Squid thought as he layed back in his cot. He probably had another hour or two before the boys had to get back to work. He enjoyed the moment laying down as he waited for mr sir to come awake the boys.

I wish he was a girl... -squidzagWhere stories live. Discover now