Chapter five

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It had been almost a year since the boys got out from camp green lake and so far they're so much better than before. The boys got counseling and group therapy together, even though most of them think they dont need it they still go. Stanley, zero, and X-ray all go to the same school but the rest go to different schools, magnet and squid go to the same school while armpit and zigzag go to different schools across town. It doesnt stop them from being able to hang out, most of the time they usually hang out at stanleys house since zero lives right next door and stanley has more stuff to do since hes rich. They all usually just play video games together or play basketball outside. The boys hang out together twice or three times a week but sometimes without armpit since he's usually busy at his landscaping job, but they all dont mind. Recently they havent been hanging out as much since some of the boys are working in jobs around the city, X-ray and squid work at a sports equipment store together and stanley and zero work at the mall, zigzag is currently interning to work at a family owned restaurant and magnet works at a pet shelter where he ran into twitch and got him a job there too. The boys usually hang out either after work or they carpool in stanelys moms car since most of them dont have a car and just take a bus home.

Normally, squid and zigzag normally hang out on their lunch break's together, sometimes x-ray would come along but most of the time he perfered to have his lunch break by himself, leaving zigzag and squid alone together most of the time. "Im just saying man, they need waiters at the restaurant you could work with me.." zigzag spoke as he grabbed his burger and took a bite "yeah right, im fine not working in a place where people wont harass me just for asking if they're ready to order" squid giggled as he took a drink from his sprite. "Yeah, but if you think about it..." "im not gonna quit my job just because you get bored at work bro" squid cut zigzags sentence off and they both laughed as they continued to eat their food. "Oh shit, it's already 1:15? Damn well im gonna head back to work" "yeah man me too" zigzag got up from the seat and so did squid grabbing their garbage and putting it on top of the garbage can. Both of them started walking together on the sidewalk "i really dont wanna go back to work" squid complained "why? I mean dont you like working in a sports shop?"zigzag asked "i dont know, it just sucks, all the little kids and their dads coming in to buy baseball bats that they're gonna return in a week, the moms that yell at me when i tell them their coupon is expired, and it just generally sucks!" Squid exclaimed as zigzag giggles "thats not as bad as mine" squid and zigzag laugh as zigzag starts walking towards the restaurant he works at. "Ill see you later!" "Yeah ill see you soon!" Squid starts walking towards the sports equipment store and walks in through the back door.

"Wow did you have fun with your boyfriend?" X-ray laughs as squid hangs up his jacket "shut up man, im not gay" squid sits down at the table with x-ray "we only got like five minutes left of lunch, you want some?" X-ray holds out a half of a subway sandwich. "Nah man im good, me and zigzag had wendys" "wow i can't believe you would take your boyfriend out to wendys for a date" x-ray giggled "dude shut up, he isnt my boyfriend im not gay" x-ray continues to laugh as their manager walks in "both of you get back to work!" Their manager exclaims "whatever" x-ray mumbles under his breath as he wraps his sandwich back up and they both start walking out of the breakroom.

I wish he was a girl... -squidzagWhere stories live. Discover now