99. Revelations

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"I hate I can't go with you girl, you better bring me something back." Miranda said to Aaliyah on the phone as Aaliyah was getting ready for her trip with Kaylee to Vegas

"I wish you were coming with me as well, I hate to leave you all alone."

Miranda chuckled, "Well I'm not technically all alone." She said while biting her bottom lip as she looked over at Elian as he was standing in front of the TV trying to find a movie to watch

"Ooh, you over your man's house?"

"No, he came over to my place. He has to get up early in the morning so he said he'd rather me be in my own bed when he's not around."

"That's nice of him. You tell Elio I said helio." Aaliyah grinned as Miranda chuckled

"Will do and I'll let you finish packing and I'll talk with you tomorrow morning."

"Ok girl you have a good night." Aaliyah said as she hung up the phone

"You find anything you like babe?" Miranda asked

"You like Above The Rim?"

"Yeah, it's one of my favorite Tupac movies."

"Mine too, I guess we'll watch this one." He said as he got back into bed as Miranda snuggled up next to him and he put his arm around her

She enjoyed his warm and loving embrace as he would kiss her on the top of her head. "I know you hate missing the trip out to Vegas with Aaliyah but I could still pay for you to go, it won't be any problem." Elian assured her

"No baby you don't have to do that, we'll have our girls trip soon, plus I don't want to miss work either. She'll bring me something back, I hope from her fancy party she's going to."

"Oh, what kind of party is she off to?"

"I guess it's a meet and greet sort of thing, anyway the person throwing the party is hosting it at this cool club called Madrid, she showed me pictures of this place and it looks super fancy in there."

"Wait did you just say Madrid?" Elian asked as he sat up a bit

"Yeah, did I say it wrong? I know it's a Spanish word."

"No you said it right, I was thinking about another place, but go on about her going to the party at this club."

"Yeah so apparently you have to have big money to get into this place and it makes me proud of Aaliyah and all of her accomplishments, she's worked really hard and it's paying off."

It was close to midnight as Elian quietly snuck out of bed and went out into the living room to call Javi. The phone kept ringing as Elian was praying that he would pick up. "Come on man, please pick up the phone." He said as he never answered and tried to call back again and still no answer

He looked at the clock on the screen of his phone and groaned, "Shit. He's definitely not gonna answer now. Javi I need you to roll off your wife for a second and answer this gotdamn phone." Elian left a message on Javi's answering machine and then went to call Mateo and he ran into the same problem.

He then opted to call Joaquin who did pick up the phone. "Elian?"

"Finally someone answers. Yeah it's me."

"Are you okay? Are you drunk?" Joaquin asked in a confused voice

"Yeah I'm okay and no I'm not drunk."

"Then why are you calling me at this time of night? Miranda kick you out already?"

"No, this is an emergency. Liyah and Kaylee's trip needs to be canceled immediately."

Rey de Narcos (King of Narcos)Where stories live. Discover now