71. Honors

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Today was the day of Liz's honor awards and she couldn't be more proud of herself and excited for the surprise afterwards.

"Look at my beautiful granddaughter, getting an honor award, ugh you are so smart." Abuela beamed as Liz smiles

"Thank you."

"This will definitely be the first of many. I just can't wait to see you on the stage and hold up your award, I'm so excited." Aaliyah said while she was finishing up Liz's hair

"Oh yes and then I can have a picture for my picture book."

"You have a picture book?" Abuela asked Liz

"I do, they're mostly filled up with Victoria, I'll show you." She said as she got up and ran upstairs to her room

"Of course this is all because of daddy Javier." Aaliyah said as abuela grins

"Why that doesn't surprise me."

"She showed him this app she found on her iPad that she can take pictures and decorate them if she wants and you can make a digital or physical book and if you buy it, it comes with the photo printer and he bought this book and now she takes pictures of Victoria all day, glues it in her book and sprinkles glitter everywhere."

"How cute, you have a mini photographer on your hands." Abuela said as Liz came downstairs with her book and was showing her all the pictures she took

"Oh Elizabeth, they're beautiful. You must really love Victoria because she is on every single page."

"I do love her, but I also have the twins, a few of Matías and mommy and daddy. This one is my favorite of them, daddy took us to Mexico last year and he fell asleep outside, so mommy found a lizard and put it on his chest and when he woke up he fell out of his chair trying to swat it away." She laughed

"Oh my I bet that was funny."

"He chased mommy into the house but she locked him outside before he could get to her."

"Was he mad at you for laughing and taking a picture of him?"

"Oh yes, but we all were laughing at him. Then he grabbed Xavier by his ankles and turned him upside down." Liz giggled as abuela was a bit shocked

"He turned him upside down?"

"Yeah he's been doing that to the twins since they were babies, he'll turn them upside down if they pooped their diaper he'll grab their ankles, hold his nose and say, ooh you stink, and for whatever reason they love it, but then again these are Javi's kids so they're going to be a bit crazy." Aaliyah said as the front door opens and Javi walks into the living room

"Daddy you're home." Liz beams as she gets off of the couch and runs to him.

He smiles as he scoops her up and kisses her cheek as she hugs his neck. "Hello my beautiful princess, are you ready for your big day?"

"Yessir, I'm so excited!"

"I'm excited for you and I have a surprise for you afterwards too that I think you will like." He said as her face lit up even more just thinking about what could her gift be and then a herd of footsteps were quickly making its way downstairs

"Dad!" Matías smiled as he and the twins ran towards him and he puts down Liz to hug the rest.

"Hey boys, what have you been up to?"

"In my room playing with the toys." Matías said as the twins playfully grabbed ahold of each of Javi's leg and was trying to pull him down

"You two think you're smart, I'll show you." He said as he picked Xavier up by his shorts and turned him upside down as he laughed
"Who's the smart one now." Javi playfully mocked as Xavier was still laughing and trying to reach out to Javi and he chucks him on the opposite couch

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