70. Missing You

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"It's not fair mamacita we don't see you often, I'm starting to get a little jealous." Ramona pouted

"Yeah, if Javi keeps you all to himself all the time we're gonna eventually move in." Sofia said as Aaliyah chuckled

"I doubt you two would actually go forward with moving in."

"Oh yes we would. We'll always have a cooked meal, clean house and clothes. There won't be any complaints on our end." Ramona said as Aaliyah continued to laugh

"You two are on one today. Anyway, what's been going on since we've been out together."

"Well Ramona had herself a little boyfriend or should I say a sneaky link rather."

"Oooh, tell me more." Aaliyah said as she leaned in and Ramona rolled her eyes

"Why bring him up? He was never my boyfriend and barely a sneaky link. The only reason I entertained him was because he had some money and was going to trick it off on me but he was a total asshole, I should've got the money before I dumped him but he irritated me so."

"You didn't sleep with him did you?"

"Hell no! He took me out on dates and showed me off to his loser friends and they too could tell I didn't care about him like that and he tried me when he said, I'll make my bitch do anything for me because she loves me so; I cussed his ass out in English and Spanish and told that limp dick puto don't ever in his pathetic life call me a bitch, your bitch or the bitch because I will fuck you up."

"I bet his ass straightened up then."

"Sure did and I should've cut it off with him then but he knew he fucked up and apologized and begged me to forgive him, and he'd do whatever to make me happy, so being the kind person I am I forgave him. Awhile later I just grew tired of him, and I even found someone else in the meantime."

"You'll never guess who she's smashing now mamacita, the joker!" Sofia said as Aaliyah's eyes widened

"No fucking way. My bodyguard, joker?!" Aaliyah said as Ramona shrugged

"Hey what can I say? He's very intriguing and not only is he packing heat but also some serious meat as well." She grins

"Woah, I have completely missed everything. I was supposed to go to Vegas with Javi this weekend but screw that, this is certainly more interesting than any Vegas trip, I need more tea and how exactly you two hooked up."

"And she also forgot to mention that shrimp dick has the unmitigated gaul to stalk her." Sofia interjected

"Girl he's stalking you too?!"

"Yeah, again what a loser."

"You should do something about that girl before things turn ugly. Trust me I know, no matter how non threatening he seems he can turn deadly in a quick second."

"I told her that same thing, but she still will not listen." Sofia said

"He hasn't bothered me in awhile and I'm just not thinking about him and why should I? I've moved on and so should he, and since we're spilling tea about relationships, when are you gonna come out of the closet miss thing?" Ramona asked as Sofia smiled and sipped her drink

"There's no such of a thing because I'm bisexual, so it doesn't matter what gender approaches me I'll be down for either."

"I wouldn't mind you bringing your girlfriend around whenever you get one, I have no problems with whomever you choose to date." Aaliyah said

"Thanks, I'm not ready to show her off just yet but when I do, I'll stop by your house first." Sofia said as she looks over with a chuckle
"Speak of the devil look who shows up." Aaliyah turns around and sees a guy walking towards them with a bouquet of flowers

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