18. Return of Carolina

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It was an average day for Lola as every Sunday she would go to church and pray, she never missed a Sunday and also attended the same church ever since she moved to Texas.

As the service was about over, Lola normally would say one last prayer before she left and she'd be the last one to leave, however this time she noticed a woman sitting on the end bench.
"I finally have some company." Lola said as she was about to pray but the woman scooted closer and raised her head

"Carolina." Lola couldn't believe her eyes as she was surprisingly shocked that she was mere inches away from her

"Hello mother, I'm so happy to see you again." She said with tears in her eyes as she quickly hugged Lola and Lola was taken aback that she honestly didn't know what to do

"Oh my, Carolina, thank God you're alright, my dear it's been years since I've seen you."

"I know and I'm sorry."

"What are you doing here?" Lola asked as Carolina let go of the hug

"I wanted to make things right and ask for forgiveness."

"Well you've come to the right place."

"Not just with God, but my children they hate me."

"Don't say that Carolina, hate is such a strong word."

"Momma, Javi said that he doesn't want anything to do with me and that I'm dead to him."

"He's hurt, you abandoned not just him, but the rest of your children like trash and went on about your life like nothing happened."

"So you're excusing what he said to me?"

"No, I'm not. Listen, this isn't the place to discuss this, we'll talk more back home but right now I need to say my prayers before I go."

After Lola and Carolina left the church they went back to Lola's house as Carolina was glad that she's able to sit and talk and not be immediately thrown out.

"I need your help with getting the kids to talk to me again." Carolina said as Lola sipped her tea

"What am I supposed to do? They're all adults now, I can't make them do anything they don't want."

"Yeah but they'll listen to you and you know it. All you need is to relay the message to Javi and then everyone else will fall in line."

"And why should I involve myself into this fiasco Carolina? How do I know you won't jump up and leave them high and dry like you've done many times in the past. This is why they don't trust you is because you have failed them so many times over the years."

"I know I messed up in the past but I want to prove that I'm not that same person anymore. I want a real genuine relationship with them and also my future grandchildren, I missed out on my kids most important moments growing up and also them creating their own families, I want to prove to them that I have changed." She said as she got down on her knees in front of Lola
"Please mother, I'm begging you to please talk to them and ask them to please give me a chance, I will even beg them for forgiveness, whatever they want me to do to accept me back I will do it, please."

"Alright, I'll talk to Javi and see if you can meet up, but in the meantime you need to show me that you're serious, I'm not gonna waste my time or the kids if I feel you're just doing this to get money out of them."

"I swear it's not about money, I genuinely want a relationship."

"So where are you staying?"

"At the shelter downtown, I'm also working at the store that's not too far from the shelter. I'm saving up to hopefully get my own place."

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