38. Abuela's Revenge

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"You're getting bigger everyday." Javi proudly smiled as he rubbed Aaliyah's protruding belly

"Yeah I'm already at three months and it's like I'm carrying a bowling ball around my stomach and my boobs are so heavy already."

"I personally don't see it as a problem, you look gorgeous to me." He said as he began kissing her on the neck

"I'm glad that you still find me attractive even if I look like a walking hippo."

"Don't say that about yourself, you look nothing like that. Looks don't matter to me at this point, you're having a baby, and what's important is that you and our baby are healthy."

"Speaking of healthy, one of the tenants from the third floor, Lena made a green bean casserole. Now I've never heard of that before and to be honest it looked really gross and smelled, I didn't eat it. I put some on a plate and told her I'd try it on my lunch break and I threw it away."

"You didn't throw it away in front of her did you?"

"No, I went to the back and threw it away. Whatever kind of cheese she put in their was making me gag, I don't even know if anyone tried it or not. But she's a sweet woman and she meant well, but that casserole was just not it."

"How are things with you and Veronica?" He asked as she sighed

"It's alright, we're not best friends or anything like that but we do speak to each other and she is helpful. If I reach or bend to get something she'll get it for me. She also got me a bouquet of white roses and chocolates and I'm not gonna lie, I ate the whole thing in about ten minutes." She giggled

"That's good it's nice to hear you two are at least being cordial."

"Did you say something to her?"

"No I did not."

"Then why out of all the flowers why'd she get me white roses which are my favorite, you only know that."

"I told you that I would talk to Tom and I did just that. I'm sure he told her about the flowers you like, but I haven't said a word to Veronica regarding you."

"What did you say to him, he honestly looked like he was being held hostage or something. I wanted to ask him to blink two times if he was in any danger." She said as Javi chuckled

"Tom is the type to worry easily, but he works well under stressful situations and I actually enjoy his company sometimes." He said as his phone went off and he looked at it

"You have to leave?"

"No it's Liz, she sent me her new drawing she did."

"Giving her that iPad was probably the worst thing you could've ever done." She said as he sighed

"Yeah I know, but I just feel bad sometimes that I have to leave her alone with the nanny all day. At least she can call me or send me pictures of her stuff. She FaceTimed me last week crying, I asked her what was wrong and she said that Greta was being mean and made her eat her broccoli."

"I told you the day we brought her home from the hospital and you sat up and held her all night, you were creating a monster and what did you say? Oh no babe she'll be fine, she won't give us any trouble. Well you were half right, she gives me no trouble but she knows that if she runs to daddy, you'll give in and get whatever she's whining about."

"I don't give her everything."

"Daddy, I want a new princess tiara, and you bought her one with real diamonds in it. Daddy, I want a new playhouse, you had a two story playhouse built in the backyard. Daddy, I want a goldfish, and you buy an aquarium fish tank, and that's just within the past month, need I go on?"

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