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For a brief second, San can totally imagine dating Dawson. Yes, he said earlier he only dates virgins, but dating virgins implies he continues to date them after taking their virginity, until the relationship runs its course. And San can see it. Fucking Dawson, yes, but also having breakfast with him, standing in the kitchen drinking tea and talking. And, okay, yeah, all of that is because Dawson currently has San pressed against the sink, but that daydream is a lot nicer than the reality of standing in a porn studio.

Dawson's hard dick presses into the small of San's back, right above his arse crack, and he tilts his head back, Dawson leaning in, his breath ghosting over San's scent gland with every word.

'You omegas are so easy to please,' Dawson murmurs. 'Touch your glands and you pump out so much slick you can be knotted for days.'

Did Dawson do that with his girlfriends? Does he use Blue in his personal sex life too, not just on camera?

Dawson flicks his tongue across San's scent gland, then licks broad stripes over it, sending a shiver down San's spine. If he tried hard enough, San could pretend he's somewhere else, in his flat, with a boyfriend, a lover; but Dawson's hands on him feel clinical. His hands move across San's abdomen, sliding down over the tiny triangle covering his pussy, then come back up to move over San's chest. Dawson tries to squish San's chest, pinching the skin between his fingers through the lace, and San flinches away.

Dawson, he realises, is treating his body the same way he would a girl's, trying to grab non-existant tits. Does he think San's just flat chested? You can't possibly miss San's scars, big as they are, right across his chest. But he is in this evil lingerie, the bralette or whatever the fuck it is covering his chest. Dawson's pinching hurts, even if San doesn't have much feeling in his chest. He's seen the way alphas grab omegas' chests, squeezing and pulling girls' tits, pinching and tugging boys' nipples. It all looks painful, and that's without a chest that's been cut open and sewn back up. San's chest is both extra sensitive and completley numb, which he supposes is the halfway point to regaining feeling that his body gave up at. Which is fine. His chest is flat. What does it matter he can't feel it? His nipples never turned him on anyway.

Dawson rubs circles into San's nipples, perhaps as an apology, and San lets him, although he doesn't fake a moan. Embarrassing noises are for the camera; right now in the kitchen, looking out over gardens and offices, San can't be arsed with pretending. Dawson just needs to turn him on, get him wet, so Sandra doesn't force him to take Dawson's dick dry.

The hands on his nipples move to his neck, thumb pressing into the scent gland Dawson doesn't have his mouth on, his other hand pushing two fingers into San's mouth. It all feels like a lot of things happening to San, things being done to him rather than him experiencing it.

He can't believe he saw Dawson as boyfriend material, even for a moment. Or maybe Dawson isn't a bad boyfriend, just straight, and San is most definitely not into him. Or a girl, even if Dawson thinks he is. It would funny Dawson is about to have gay sex without even realising if San wasn't wishing he could jump out the window.

At this rate, he'll be getting fucked dry.

San's gland is wet with spit when Dawson pulls away, the air cold against it, sending a little shiver down his back. Dawson nips at the back of San's neck, then his mouth closes around his other scent gland, thumb moving to rub the other one. San's pussy gives a little throb, pleasure washing through him with the hard pressure against his glands. San pushes his ass back without thinking, Dawson's erection trapped between their bodies.

'Yeah, bet that feels good,' Dawson murmurs, breath hot against San's neck.

San says nothing. Any touch feels good. Sometimes he lies in bed and traces his own skin, runs his fingers over his own scalp, pretending it's someone else, the touch of his alpha, just to make himself feel better. Dawson's touching feels good because it's touch. But it's not turning him on. His pussy throbbing a little bit means nothing.

when your city broke my skin and bones (say don't go) | WOOSANजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें