Chapter 29: Just kiss already

Start from the beginning

Dust was frustrated. Sure, he thought Blue was adorable. Who wouldn't? The guy was basically a walking cartoon character. He had realized he had a crush on Blue in freshman year; he wasn't oblivious about his feelings like everyone else. He chose just not to engage with his feelings though, because he didn't want to form any attachment. He would just get hurt if he did that.

Yet here Blue was; just being his sweet innocent self trying to talk to Dust, who was very far from both sweet and innocent. He wasn't scared of Dust in the slightest, which was absolutely confusing. He had literally lurked in the back of the class and silently stared at everyone since he lost his brother in middle school. Everyone was at least a little unnerved by him, occasionally even the gang.

Blue awkwardly stood there, it was silent as Dust just stared at him. Did he want Blue to carry the conversation? What could they even talk about at this point? Whatever, Blue was not giving up on befriending Dust, he would break through to the other eventually. He cleared his throat, wanting to learn what to talk about with Dust.

"So what are you interested in? Do you mind if I take the seat next to you? There's still a decent amount of time left in class, and while I most certainly can stand I prefer not to!"

Dust gave in and gestured to the seat next to him. Horror was up front with everyone else, so he didn't really have any reason to deny him. Blue sat down and instantly began chattering. Dust gave him his attention, which seemed to be enough for the ball of energy.

From behind them Dawn took a glance at them and grinned. She quickly scribbled yet another note to her goopy companion. He took a look at it and looked at the pair, scoffing in disbelief.

-Aren't those two adorable? Happy little Blue and brooding old Dust! You know, opposites do attract.-

*I mean, I guess if that's what you see there. To me it just looks like Dust is being annoyed. Are you sure opposites attract isn't some sort of myth?*
-I mean, it's certainly true for me.-

Nightmare nearly choked when he saw that. So he was right! Who in class was stealing away her attention though? It was probably really selfish to want them to stay far away from her if she did care about them, but Nightmare was never one for sharing.

*True for you? Does that mean there's someone here who's caught your fancy?*
Dawn read the note and decided then and there she was going to go dig a very deep hole and live in it for the rest of her life. They'd call her the hole hermit, hermit of the hole. She could probably find some nice moles to domesticate and keep as pets.

-What do you think? Why does it matter to you huh? Are you Jealous? Want some Peanut Butter to go with that Jelly?-

*As if! I was just curious! Why would I ever be jealous of someone who was dating a neat freak like you?*

Dawn sighed. She shouldn't have expected any different, and hoping for something that would hint Nightmare shared her feelings was unreasonable and childish. Still, it stung a little bit. She shook her head; she needed to think in ways that he would be comfortable with if he knew. She unenthusiastically slides it back to Nightmare, which confused him. Did she want him to ask about her crush?

-Yeah well, at least unlike you I'm not a total slob.-

*Tell me about them.*
-About who?-

*Your opposite. Remember? Opposites attract?*

Nightmare knew he probably looked like he was being nice, so that was points for him. However in reality, he was just being greedy. He wanted to find whoever had managed to win her over and keep them away from her. Plus, he could use this information to find out what she liked.

Dawn on the other hand was slightly panicked. How was she supposed to describe him without giving it away that he was the one she loved? Well, as much as love was the right word. She'd have to be really slick with this if she was going to get away with it.

-If you insist. You sure you want to hear me really goopy (and not the way you are)-

*I'm sure. Besides, I need to identify if we're interested in the same person.*

Dawn was practically sweating bullets. What would she do if he figured it out and hated her for it? Actually, could she take it if he didn't like her? She decided she didn't want him to describe who he liked. If he did she'd just take it in stride.

-Well, they're definitely my opposite. Not at all book smart, pretty mean, annoying, very egotistical, and selfish.*
*Hey, nobody said you weren't annoying. Also, it sounds more like you're describing someone you hate.*
-But they're more than that! They're actually a caring person who worries about others, but is too shy to show it. They've protected me, and they would never hurt me seriously. They're strong, independent, but they also don't ignore others around them. They're so fundamentally trustworthy that somehow they've overcome my trauma.-

*Oh, wow. Almost sounds like they're some sort of prince charming huh?*

Nightmare took a deep breath. He had no idea who this could apply to, and he didn't think he had any chance at competing. There's no way that an aggressive guy like him was even close to trustworthy. Especially not if said person was trustworthy enough to help them overcome trauma. He couldn't just change himself overnight either, so this was pretty much a failure for him.

-Well, to be honest, far from it. They may be no Prince charming, but they're still my fairytale match if you're thinking like that. I mean, Belle still loved the Beast right?-

Dawn didn't know what she was doing. She was totally revealing way too much! He hadn't seemed to have caught on, but she couldn't be sure. He was pretty good at holding a poker face, which was one of her many weaknesses. Still, it wouldn't be a surprise if he didn't notice since he hadn't made any comments on all the times she was a blushing mess today. She did say he wasn't very booksmart.

*I suppose. They don't sound like a Beast though. In terms of fairytale love interests, I'd say the closest you can get to the Beast is me. I've even got the most terrifying looking curse in this whole school. To be honest, he was nicer than me, eh?*

Dawn looked at him almost sadly. No, he was reading too far into it. He had meant to pass it off as a joke. Of course, Dawn wasn't the same as his boys. She was caring, sweet, and always gave her time to others. If this was Beauty and the Beast, she'd be his perfect Belle. See, now she even had her romantic book nonsense in his head.

-I don't think so. If you're the beast, you're also complex like he is. He cared about all his employees, it was the main reason Belle was able to fall in love with him. They started off on bad footing because he was rude- but she saw past that. I'm sure whoever you like will see that you're more than that. You can find your Belle.-

It took all his control not to respond by saying 'You're my perfect Belle,' but he wasn't about to make her uncomfortable. He wasn't expecting her to be anything but sassy towards that note. He was pretty sure he had already been in pretty deep, but he just took a swan dive into being down bad. Her caring response sent his stomach into so many butterflies he was pretty sure he could own a butterfly hotel.

*If I could ever be so lucky that they love me back, the person who so rudely made me fall from grace to be in love with them would be a perfect Belle to my Beast. However it seems they're in love with another.*
-I understand exactly what that's like. Guess we're two unlucky people in love huh?-

Nightmare chuckled at that.

*Oh, you have no idea.*
Dawn rolled her eyes as she read that. Had he completely ignored everything that she had just written? She had the perfect idea. She'd even spilled her guts about Nightmare to, well, Nightmare. She was in just as bad a position as he was, she figured probably worse. I mean, people really like the bad boy types anyway.

Seriously, who could deny that cocky grin anything? It made her turn into mushy playdoh. It wasn't exactly a fact she was proud of, but it was true nonetheless. Maybe Nightmare's crush did the same to him, but she doubted anyone could charm Nightmare as bad as he had charmed her. He was independent after all.

Still, she hoped that one day she'd find someone that everyone looked at them together and instantly talked about their chemistry. Like she had with Dust and Blue. Maybe one day she could have her fairytale prince.

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