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Noo Noo looked at both Dutch's and Finn's body; a thick needle where stuck into their necks the needs where connected to a machine meant to jump start their blood flow so the infection can take it's course with their bodies. He took a step back to examine them, before he grabbed the file for project New Blooded.

He walked to a door in his office opening it walking into the room connected; he switched the light on. The room was remotely bare; with a few machines in the room; a wall that was similar to a morgue with freezeres to hold bodies in. A desk with note books on it and a shelf with all sorts of things. The most noticeable thing were the seven containers able to hold a body; which all seven did hold. The body where held in a green glowing substance.

Three Subjects where fully grown male tubbies, another three where fully grown female tubbies, the final subject was a underdeveloped  male tubby. Each subject seem to have reacted differently to the test; probably a power developing for each. One was nearly frozen, one was boiling noticeable by the always decreasing liquid, on had been filled with shadows, those are just the noticeable three.

He exampined the subjects and wrote a estimated date their incubation would be completed. He estimated it would only be around a week before they where ready to wake up from their incubation. He put the file down and walked out of the room locking it behind him.


The tubby hissed through his teeth with each step forward; pain shooting through his whole body. His free hand held tightly onto a pistol. "That fucking demon... He wasn't suppose to be there..." he trailed off his emerald green eyes went from angry to sadness "Now Finn's dead- he's gone and probably will be infected soon." he stopped walking an looked at his current surroundings. Empty land, the wind blew past him shuffling the grass and trees. His hair messy and stating. His leg dragged with each step and his breath was heavy and sharp.

He didn't care about all the soldiers that died truthfully. He was pissed with the demonic tubby; for killing the one person he didn't want to be killed and for all the harm done to him personally. He hissed a bit as he leaned against a tree; and looked in the direction of their base. He guess he be there around the morning maybe afternoon. He just huffed annoyed and continued walking he didn't have any choice anymore, he left a blood trail behind him as he walked through the plain.


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