˜"*°•.˜"*°•𝒜𝒸𝓉 𝒱𝐼𝐼𝐼•°*"˜.•°*"˜

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The guardian listened to the discussion from the soldiers across the room from him; he held a book in his hand reading as he listened. The room atmosphere seem to be tense. Notably a group of soldiers along with the captain and lieutenant were gone for awhile now. 7 hours in total with no communication while they were gone. Concern crept from soldiers since two higher rank soldiers were gone.

He could hear slight yelling from the communications room; the only one yelling was the Sargent. They were trying to find a solution without sending a large amount of the soldiers that remained at the base out. It was to much of a risk at the moment in time. Everyone was on edge since the reality of this tragedy is settling in. The Guardian could only pity them, he knew something bad happened to the group.


A tall male dusty blue tubby; with one visible pale green eye, tried to form a plan especially due to their Lieutenant and Captain losing contact with the base and the absent of the General Officer. "So what what hell are we gonna do; Ninja. You haven't said shit since you heard about the communication break." Miles snapped at the other who looked at him. "Yes I am quite aware Miles; ever heard of trying to think of a plan." Miles only responded in a huff. "Have you thought of a plan then Major..." Connor calmly asked crossing his arms as he leaned against the wall. Next to him was Dutch who was standing quietly just listening to the conversation; unlike his talkative usual self.

Ninja glanced at the silver tubby before turning back. "...If anything we should send only one person...a risk but if something happens to them we won't be able to go since of the clear threat. However if contact remains but transportation is troubled we will go, and everything goes well whoever is there and return." The male sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose. "Is that understood..?" Connor only replied with a nod; as Miles crossed his arms as a few other solders gave a reaction. A dusty purple tubby with amber eyes  looked around the room a bit before speaking up. "So, who is gonna be the one to go." That was probably mostly everyone's question; and the short tubby asked it. "I'll let someone volunteer I don't care who goes; I believe anyone can do it." That was the response from Ninja.

All that ensued was silent before a voice broke through the silent. "I can do it." The one who had spoken up is Dutch; Connor quickly looked at the blacked fur. "Dutch are you sure, you know it's safety isn't confirmed, correct?" Ninja asked him just for clarification, Dutch responded with a simple nod "I know; I'm quite aware of the risk; I'm not a dumb as you guys think I am." Miles slightly snickered; but Anna swiftly hit him in the back of the head. "...but I also feel like it should be my responsibility. Finn is my brother, so I should go after him and the others." Connor silently stared at Dutch his expression was concerned.

Ninja stared quietly and sighed. "Okay, you'll be the one to go. Whenever your ready to leave you can go." Dutch nodded and slightly smiled; though it didn't give off much positivity nor confidence, it was one just for reassurance. Right before he walk out of the room but before . "Guess I should gather supplies then! I'll see you all later..." Connor hesitantly tried to reach for him before swiftly giving up and crossing his arms; as he looked down. The room was left quiet before the dusty purple tubby spoke up again. "Are you really gonna let him go alone? He's not the most carful." A much taller ashy red tubby looked to her and softly whispered yelled at her "Sage...!" She looked up at the other tubby with a annoyed expression and muttered something in a different language.

A teal tubby looked at Sage and the ashy red tubby and pat their backs giving them a soft smile. Seemingly having defuse Sage from any other comments. Ninja glanced around quietly. "Any other issues...?" When nobody answered everyone could go back to what they were doing before. The guardian watch everyone walk around quietly; and quietly thought to himself and the situation. He also thought about a future plan for a possible end for the apocalypse but nothing came to mind. He sighed and rubbed his eyes before getting up and heading to the room he had. He took his sweater off before he laid on the bed. The Guardian stared blankly at the ceiling; without realizing he drifted off.


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