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The guardian stared at the Sargent speaking to the Lieutenant Finn; he barely could hear the conversation. Anne poke the males shoulder, to draw his attention to what they were talking about. "Ah, apologies Annabel." He sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. Anne looked at him. "Your fine W; but you do know you have to go with us to the satellite station." The girl softly say; as the male nod slowly. "My one question is why I have to go since I'm not a soldier." He ask as his head tilted to the side as his stare was forced one the furred pink tubby with a white gradient to it. "Ah, that's because you were the last person there and you did send the distress signal to us." She stated as she rested her head in her hand.

"Aye Anne; get our group ready. We're leaving soon." The green tubby said as he left to the copter they'd be ridding on to the satellite station. The Guardian watched and soon got up to follow Miles to the helicopter. He looked around once he entered the copter. "Oh hello there; your a new face here!" A soft and friendly voice spoke; when the other looked over it was the pilot of the helicopter. A soft green tubby who had a flower crown on his hat. "Salutations, my name is...Walten." The male said quickly he doesn't know why his name struggled to come out but the other ignored it "Well greatings then! I'm Bailey; I'll be your pilot this fine Afternoon!" The male happily said with a bright smile.

Soon the other soldiers attending this trip arrived; two he recognized were Dutch and Connor. However there was a dusty red tubby with a lavender scarf and a few others a female purple tubby who covered her head with a dark purple hooded crop top; as well a more who were all harder to make out clearly nor did he care.

The flight was long; all he could do is look out the window and listen to the conversation of the soldiers. They were simple; fun he thought or what he made himself believe. He felt numbness run through his body again as he watched the horizon. He saw the custard as the flew by he felt a pit in his stomach yet he gave no reaction just; a blank dead stare. He couldn't hear the conversation that well anymore due to his ears ringing, then it just stopped. He felt the pit leave with the ringing he sighed a bit as he saw the grassy land soon become sandy.

The helicopter landed outside the station; the soldiers leave the plan to the sand of the outskirts; the guardian got off as he heard the pilot wish them well. He looked around since it's been awhile since he's left; his attention going to the outskirts. Laa-Laa was his first sight of the place, would she still be there? What have come of her? Is she alive or dead due to the long month away from here? Would she have starve to death or not need to eat? She was left under a pillar.

His attention was drawn back to the satellite station as the doors roared open, dust didn't float out however. Despite nobody traveling there for a long time. His ears narrowed back as the group enter. He looked around the place; he then froze as the notice the woman's dead body that was there was gone. All that remained was her sawed off leg and arm; her hand had rings on her ring finger, he could tell she was a married woman. Yet her life was taken by Dipsy; along with everyone else her.

The group had contacted down the hall to look for even any potentially survivors; the dusty red tubby had look toward the vents nearby and alerted Miles of something like breathing being heard. The guardian watched the event unfold; after a few minutes a blue worker he barely was breathing as he looked malnourished. One of his arms were majorly messed up, others than being almost completely cut off; it has gashed in the arms that appear to be bitten and ripped off. This tubby barely was alive yet he's made it this far due to using his now worthless arm as his best chance of living.

His ear flicked as he looked down one of the corridors and heard faint talking of two men. He stepped away from the group to see who was talking. He crotched behind a box that was coated in dust. There stood a green and blue tubby. The green one had long green hair tied in a low ponytail, with visible fins growing from his ears and a lizard tail. The other had shoulder length hair, with bat wings and large ears. He can only see the back and the side of there head only by a bit. "You sure this worker would work for his project." The blue one said with a calm tone; as he crossed his arms. "Yes I'm sure even if she ends up failing it would be a experience; non the less." The green one said with a familiar voice for the guardian; he picked up a female tubbies lifeless body. Her body only had her head barely attached to her body while she was completely lifeless. They soon left they disappeared before the guardian could fully process.


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