Capture three - October 1984

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It was a new day of a new school. New teachers to flip off, new girls to look at. But the latter was slim to pickens, if you asked Billy. Even though he tried to see the beauty in the girls from this city, they all just looked like cows with makeup on. Not that they were fat, at least not all of them, it was just the first that came to his mind.

Without a word, Billy and his stepsister got into his car and he fired up the music, so If Max dared to talk, she wouldn't be able to because of the radio blasting out of the stereo. "I swear this shithole gets shittier each minute that passes" Billy gritted through his teeth and eyes Max on his right. Even though Max had her head turned away, he knew that she was rolling her eyes. It was setting of a wired satisfaction in him, knowing that he was annoying her as much as possible. ""And don't even get me started on the girls here. Cows, all of them".

But that wasn't entirely true. It wasn't that they were ugly, although some of them were, it was more the fact that they seemed like little girls to him. At least some of the girls back in California had something to show off. But Hawkins? Nothing to brag about. Billy's mind traveled to his conquests back in California as the car drove further down a road that could've been placed in the middle of nowhere, for all he cared.

As he turned into the parking lot, Max had already unbuckled her seatbelt. She would probably jump out of the car as soon as she could, which he didn't mind one bit. And as soon as she got out, Billy stuffed a cigarette in his mouth and lit it before he looked himself in the rear-view mirror, ruffled his hair and bit, then winked and got out. He felt it immediately.

The eyes boring into his back... And his ass. The inaudible muttering about the new big city guy moving to a small town. God, he could almost picture these girls' creating scenarios in their heads about how they could change the ice-cold bad boy. It was amusing to think about.

Billy paced down towards what could only be the entrance and as he passed the whispering girls, he knew that they were talking about him. He was loving it. As he let his eyes glance over the population of teenagers, he wasn't impressed. Neither of the girls here knew how to dress. Not enough to get his attention anyway. Before he reached the door, he took one long drag from the cigarette before he ferociously threw it away. When he pulled the door to the entrance he was met by an even more disappointing sight. Narrow halls, low ceilings. It all screamed small-town. And here he was met again with stares and whispers.

He was almost surprised when his way got blocked by a small girl baffing her eyelashes at him. "Hi, I heard you just moved here. I'm Tina." She said with a toothy smile. Billy noticed that she was clutching a stack of papers. Something that looked like flyers. If she was about to invite him into a fucking club, he was going to lose it. "I'm throwing a Halloween party on Halloween, here's the invite." She quickly said as if she was in a rush to her point across before she chickened out. "Thanks. Tina" Billy said raspy and changed his demeanor at once. He grinned and chewed once on his tongue. He slowly took the flyer from her and winked at her before he brushed against her shoulder as he walked past.

"1...2...3..." and Billy counted for him self, because right on cue he heard excited whispers behind him from Tina and her apparent friends. Okay, maybe there would be something interesting to look at this party. He was definitely going. And just as his mind wandered back to the infinite dissatisfaction this town seemed to provide - his eyes was fastened in a way he rarely experienced.

It was the way she was built that made him glue his eyes on her figure. Her legs were the perfect length and it connected perfectly with a firm plumpy ass. Her hair was thrown down in cascades of beachy hair that made a lazy swirl as she swiftly walked around the corner 10 feet in front of him. He could practically hear the song that was just playing his car a few minutes earlier. He certainly wouldn't mind being rocked by a hurricane if it included the girl right in front of him.

He caught a glimpse of her side profile when she glanced over her left shoulder and the sight of it made his lips corner into a crooked grin when his instinct took over. With determination, Billy studied the girls movements and she began to slow down. It seemed she had located her locker. The idea popped into his head like microwaved popcorn. And as she opened her locker, Billy swirly moved over to the locker beside hers, but behind the door of her locker.

He leaned his right side up against the lockers and his crooked grin stayed painted on his face, making him ready to prance. And then she slammed her locker in. "Hey." Billy said solemnly, mustering his most raspy voice possible. The girl jumped and made a squeal. It was actually kind of cute. "Sorry! Sorry, didn't mean to scare you." He added and reached out his arms as if to calm down a wild animal. "Maybe don't sneak up behind peoples lockers then." The girl panted and sent him a blaming look. Billy chuckled softly and chewed twice on his tongue, before he reached down in his pocket to pick up a toothpick. He placed it between his teeth and kept grinning at the girl.

He could see it in her eyes. The studying look as she slowly began to flutter. It was always kind of obvious when they did that, but usually he didn't really mind. Especially not with this girl. "So. I'm ready for my tour." he said and folded his arms casually and saw the girl furrowing her brows a tiny bit. "I'm sorry, I'm Billy and you are?" Billy added. "Extremely confused." The girl flustered and blinked a few times. Billy paused for a moment. Normally the girls would be giggly by now. But she just stood there, looking at him with wrinkled eyebrows.

"Sorry, I'm Agnes." She then said with a voice much softer than before, but Billy sensed a hint of her being tense as well. "But what tour? I am not in the student's counsel or anything. Maybe you are looking for Nancy" Agnes said, still with that cute, confused expression on her forehead.

Billy chuckled once again and turned his charm meter up to 180. He took a swift step, making his body move closer to her, but not too close. "Tell you what. I'll settle with no tour if you use my costume idea for Halloween." He said softly and in a suggesting tone. He could see Agnes' eyebrow rise as if she expected him to suggest she dressed up as a slutty bunny. "You dress up as my date to this party." He said tenderly and lowered his voice, so only she could hear. He held up the flyer with the invitation to Tina's party and Agnes' eyes fluttered as her eyes were first fixated at Billy's, but then slowly went down to the piece of paper in his hand. "What do you say?"

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