Capture one - September 1983

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Agnes was sitting on a couch in a crowded room. She had agreed to go to a party with her friend Nancy. Partying wasn't really something they usually did, but Agnes had a huge crush on the guy who was hosting. Steve Harrington. He was on the school's basketball team, and if it weren't for Nancy, he would never have had in mind to invite Agnes to one of his parties. But that was the problem. Nancy got invited to Steves party and had asked Agnes to go with her, so she wouldn't be alone. But now Agnes was the one sitting alone on the couch, while Nancy was hanging out with Steve. How was that fair. Agnes didn't know, but if Nancy was going to talk to Steve and his friends all night, then she might as well go home and watch tv with her mom.

Just as Agnes decided to leave the couch, a tall guy with long brown hair sat down beside her. He was counting money, and it was like he couldn't even see Agnes. But Agnes saw him, she looked around and it was like he was invisible to everyone but her. Was he real? "Having a good time" The guy asked. "You are Eddie right" Agnes asked. She had heard about him. He was a bit older than her. Properly a senior at Hawkings high school. And the way he was counting money she could tell that the rumors about him being a dealer was true. He huffed. "In flesh and blood, Eddie the freak" he presented, with and amusing smile on his face. "And who do we have here" Eddie asked. Agnes started to laugh just a little, while taking a sip of her beer. "I'm Agnes... The invisible girl" Agnes said and took another sip of her beer. Eddie smoldered his eyes and then looked around. "Oh, so am I the only one to se you" he started. "Then this must be my lucky day" Eddie added and leaned back on the couch. Agnes put down her beer on the table. "Why is that" Agnes asked curiously. Eddie took Agnes beer off the table and took a sip. "Then the evil guys over there is not going to steal you away from me" Eddie said and pointed over at the basketball team. "So, you aren't friends with them" Agnes asked. She didn't mind that Eddie had taken a sip of her beer. Normally she would mind it, but there was something supernatural about Eddie and she enjoyed the weird company. "Those guys.. he'll no. My shit they love, but for them to 'bless' me with their friendship? Take a guess" he said and snickered like he didn't mind one but not being a part of the popular crowd. "But they must be your friends since you are here" he added. Agnes giggled. "No, I was actually leaving to be honest" Agnes said and looked into Eddies eyes. His smile was soft, and Agnes spotted a few freckles on his cheeks. "Do you want to get out of here" Eddie asked, and Agnes agreed.

Agnes decided not to tell Nancy that she was leaving. She just looked over at her, only to see Nancy standing with the basketball team, with Steves arm around her waist. Not fair Agnes thought once again to herself.

As they walked on the empty streets of Hawkins, Eddie thought about how he had never really seen Agnes around the school before. Maybe he had just made her up in his mind, just because he was feeling lonely these days. He pinched Agnes shoulder, to cheek if he was dreaming. "Auch, why did you do that" Agnes said and slightly pushed Eddie. "You are not really invisible are you" Eddie joked. He had made Agnes smile multiple times though out the evening. And that made him feel kind of cool. Agnes was like a fantasy creature for him. She wasn't like most girls he spoke to. "No, it just feels like it sometimes" Agnes explained. "Isn't it awesome though, you can do whatever you want to. Just like me" Eddie said and pulled Agnes closer to him. He could feel that she was a bit cold and he wanted to protect her. But to Eddies surprise, Agnes didn't move away from him. "Just not when the guy you like invites your pretty best friend instead of you, to his party" Agnes said. Eddies arm was around Agnes shoulder, and it made Agnes feel save in some kind of way. He was nothing like she had heard. He was warm, caring and soft. Not that scary drug dealer she had heard about. "You like a guy. Tell me who" Eddied shouted excited. Agnes huffed. "It's just Steve" Agnes nearly whispered. She had never really told anyone. Why was Eddie so easy to talk to. "Steve the hair" Eddie laughed. He could feel that Anges needed some cheering up. Seeing your crush with someone else could not be the nicest thing to witness. "What are you talking about" Agnes shouted. "Steve the hair Harrington, nah you can do better. I know that" Eddie said and pulled Agnes closer to him. Not that he necessarily was better, and maybe he didn't even mean himself, but he already knew that Agnes deserved the world.

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