Jason's Gone, Percy's Gone, But Nico's Here!

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Camp Jupiter was fun.  

Jason was nice, and I met a boy named Frank who was also nice.  Then there was Dakota, who got drunk off of Kool-Aid.  And Gwendolynn, she seemed nice.  Reyna still seemed a tad bit skeptical of me but had warmed up over the past few weeks.  

I spent the day at Camp and went back to the cave at night, relieving Allora from her duties.  True Archer helped out sometimes, too.  She'd left Camp Half-Blood after the war and was traveling on her own since the Hunters wouldn't allow her to join their hunt (don't ask me why, it's her drama).  

I rarely saw Nico after I arrived at Camp, which I hated.  But he was doing whatever he was doing with his father, and since I couldn't exactly waltz into the Underworld, I couldn't see him.  

The only problem I had with Camp was this guy named Octavian.  I learned pretty fast to leave my stuffed animals in the cave.  He was bony but had a confident aura around him, like he thought he was better than everyone else.  

And he thought murdering teddy bears helped him see the future.  

Oh, but a cool thing about Roman Demigods.  They burn tattoos into your skin.  For some reason a part of me had always wanted a tattoo.  I was so happy about getting one I barely registered the burning on my forearm.  

Right after I got it, a boy dressed in all black aooeared in Camp with a girl behind him.  She had curly hair and dark skin, her dark eyes with specks of gold.  

"Who are you?"  Reyna demanded, and every Roman got defensive.  

"I am Nico di Angelo,"  he said.  "Ambassador of H-Pluto."  

Jason glanced at me, and I nodded.  He and Reyna exchanged looks before she told the Romans to stand down.  Nico gestured for the girl to walk forward, which she timidly did.  

"This is Hazel Levesque,"  he said.  "I come to bring her to Camp Jupiter.  She's my sister, and if any harm comes to her, you will not like the consequences."  

I raised my eyebrows at Nico.  In the few seconds he'd been in Camp, he'd made Reyna flinch and a look of fear and confusion and so many other emotions of shock flash over her face before she masked it with a stern expression.  

Jason, Nico, Reyna, Octavian, and I headed into (A/N: help I don't know that much of Camp Jupiter I don't know where they'd go).  Nico made sure Hazel would be safe and comfortable before Jason led the siblings to the Fifth Cohort Legion (A/N:  again, not an expert with Roman demigods please let me know if that's wrong but it sounds right to me, I think.  I'm too lazy to look through the books right now).  

A couple days went by, and Nico stayed to make sure Hazel was settled in. I definitely didn't stalk them with Reyna or anything.  

That would be a total invasion of privacy.  

I would never do that.  

Now, if you asked me if I casually hid and glanced at them every so often with Reyna while behind a bush, now, that's a different story.... 

Jason caught us sneaking away one time and tried to convince us that we should just talk instead of stalk, but Reyna and I refused and told him it was more fun to stalk.  Well, I said it was fun, Reyna didn't say anything and let me do the talking.  

When Nico was about to leave, I decided we needed to have a heart-to-heart.  Or just a talk, whatever.  I needed answers.  

"You didn't tell me you had a sister,"  I hissed.  "And your Greek!  Why are you in Camp Jupiter?  If the Romans find out that you're Greek, they're going to kill you."  

"You're Roman,"  he stated, twisting his silver skull ring and looking bored.  

"I-that's different!"  I insisted.  "My brother is Greek, and-and-"  

He raised an eyebrow.  "I found Hazel in the Fields of Asphodel.  She didn't belong there."  

I tried to process that.  "Wait, so she-she was-"  

Nico nodded.  "I went to find Bianca, but she...  I found Hazel instead."  

I nodded slowly.  "When will you be back?"  

He opened his mouth to answer, but suddenly Reyna ran up to us.  "Have you seen Jason?"  


"If you're wrong about this, Neptune, I will literally start a revolt in your kingdom and steal your thrown,"  I muttered as I traveled through New York.  "Wait, no, I don't want to rule the sea.  That's too much work."  

We'd searched for Jason for a couple of weeks and there was no sign of him.  Then, out of nowhere, I'd gotten a "call" from Neptune saying that Percy was missing too.  So, I was stomping towards Camp Half-Blood in the pouring rain.  

My plan was to charge in, demand to know where my brother was, and when they asked who I was, be all dramatic and say I was his long-lost sister.  

That or I'd walk in, and Percy would be there and I'd Mist-Travel away in a heartbeat.  

My black hair was soaked and dripping some of the dye onto my light gray T-shirt.  I'd decided against wearing purple or anything related to Camp Jupiter.  I had to wear a jacket to cover my SPOR tattoo.  

So, I chose to go in style and had a black leather jacket with a soft hoodie and pockets.  The rain was most definitely ruining it, but I'd deal with that later.  

I got inside the Camp's barriers and instantly dried my clothes.  There were a few people out doing activities, but most were whispering in groups, and everyone was visibly tense.  

A girl with red hair and paint tattered jeans raced past me and over to a big house.  I looked around before subtly following her.  I kept a distance, but stayed close enough so she wasn't out of my sight.  She paused a few times, knowing someone was following her, but she never saw me.  

Those skills from stalking Nico and Hazel came in handy.  

She led me to a room where demigods were sitting around a tennis table.  It was so unprofessional compared to Camp Jupiter it took me by surprise a little bit.  I stood in the doorway, waiting for someone to notice me.  

"Ah, our Oracle, glad you could make it,"  a man said.  I knew it was Chiron.  "We've already gotten started.... who are you?"  

All eyes turned to me, and I had to force myself not to scream or Mist-Travel away.   "I'm River."  I paused for dramatic effect.  "River Jackson.  Where's Percy?"  

A/N:  Heyyyyyyy.  Hope y'all liked this chapter!  

I have a question for y'all.  Does it send you like a notification or something whenever I update, or do you guys just have to keep checking my profile???  Cause I can send out an announcement every time I update if that would make things easier.  I think most of the people reading this followed me, but I don't really know how this works so please comment and let me know.  

Anyways, thanks for reading!  

- Anne 

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