We find a goddess.

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After True and the band finished, Nico was still missing.

I searched everywhere, but he'd vanished. We couldn't' wait forever, so I thought hard and sent True and Allora to the Mediterranean. They didn't seem too confident in my guiding, but Allora said they could get there pretty fast since she could travel by sea.

So, once they had an old, rusty carriage for Allora to carry True in, I set off to find Nico. Having literally no clue where to look for the depressed boy, I sat down at another coffee shop and tried to figure out where he would go.

Maybe the Underworld, he was a child of Hades. But I doubted that he knew where the entrance to the Underworld even was. The ripples of water caught my eye, and I walked over to it. I bent down in the water and ran my fingers through it, sighing.

Please, I thought. I need to find Nico. Can you help me, father?

A laser bore through my head, and I bit my tongue. When I opened my eyes, I was standing in a dark alley.

Okay then, that was cool, was all I could think. So, I have a new power. But does it only work when I'm touching water? Or-focus, River!

I turned and saw a figure slouching against the wall, staring at the ground. Shadows enveloped him so he was barely visible, but I knew who it was. Carefully, I walked closer to Nico. His head darted to me, and he looked almost surprised, but it was quickly replaced with annoyance.

"What are you doing here?" He muttered.

"Looking for you," I told him, crossing my arms.

"Well, you found me."

I sighed and moved closer, the both of us watching each other warily. When I got within arm's reach, I decided that was as safe as it was to be near the depressed, moody kid. And I reluctantly told him about being Roman and why I left and that I was the daughter of Neptune.

He understood better than I was expecting and didn't have any questions really, and I was relieved that he didn't care we were usually enemies. And somehow, I go him to come back to the quest.

So, once we had things sorted out and had lunch, I used my new water-travel power-or mist travel, as I like to call it-and teleported us to the Mediterranean. At first, I thought it would be a good idea, and then I realized that we were in the middle of the ocean. . .

"River!" Nico yelled, trying to not get choked by water.

My head still hurt, and I felt exhausted, but I made sure I had a tight grip on Nico and thought of somewhere dry. But of course, in times of crisis, nothing happened.

But then Allora and the carriage showed up and we were saved.

Nico glared at me as we rode, obviously mad that I was dry, and he was soaking wet. The fact that I almost got him killed probably inspired a bit of his mood, too. Especially since I can't drown so I would have been fine.

"Now what?" Allora asked.

"You need to part the water!" I told her. "There should be an underground. . . thing. Just trust me!"

She shrugged and the whole carriage fell into the waves, causing screams from the three of us inside. But the water parted as we sank, and soon we were in a bubble in the waves that sank deeper and deeper.

Not gonna lie, I did get a little claustrophobic. Thankfully True spotted the opening quickly, and it was Nico's turn to use his powers. It took a second, but finally he split a crack into the earth, and we slipped out of the carriage and into the darkness.

Noises erupted around us, and I was glad True was there. She shot arrows from her bow, killing bats and monsters left and right. I decided to bring out my knives and help, then my sword when I threw all the knives. Allora almost flooded the place before realizing she couldn't use her water powers in the giant rock.

Nico took a hit and True use up the last bit of ambrosia on him, but I was happy he wasn't dead. We headed deeper into the cave, and I got that magic movie moment where a bunch of torches suddenly lit up the further we walked in.

In the center of the cave was a glowing orb, and inside the orb was a girl around seven maybe, with hair as dark as night and skin as pale as the moon.

"So. . . do we kill her?" True asked.

"I didn't sign up to kill a child!" Allora protested, shuffling to the back of the room.

"Relax," I said, rolling my eyes. "And she's not a child, she's a goddess. Asleep for hundreds of years at least, but still."

The two girls exchanged a look. "So, then what do we do?"

"Well, you guys are free to go," I told them. "The quest was to find her and protect her. Since I don't have a life, I'll stay down here and protect her until the next prophecy happens. After whichever big one my brother has."

They glanced at each other again, not trusting that a quest could be so easy. Given, the monsters weren't so easy, though True made them look it.

"So, I can go back to Camp Half-Blood?" True asked.

"And I can go back to my mother and try to stop her from sinking ships?" Allora clarified.

"Yes," I told them, then pointed to Allora. "Definitely yes. Th-that is a good cause."

It was turn for everyone to look at Nico. He glared at us. "I want to meet my father, but I'll come by sometime, so you don't go crazy." He gave me a tiny smile before it quickly disappeared.

I nodded. "So. . . it's official? You guys are going back, I'm staying?"

Everyone nodded, then seemed to realize they were leaving an eleven-year-old by herself in a dark cave with a goddess who was trapped in a glowing gold orb. At first, they tried to fight, but without much effort, they all left.

Then realization hit me, and I started hyperventilating for a bit before calming down, sitting by myself in the dark cave.

Yeah, this is fine, I thought to myself.

A/N: Hello peoples :)

I hope y'all have liked this so far! If you guys want a certain scene/chapter in the future, feel free to comment! Also, happy New Year!

Until next time, be safe & have a great day/night!


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