Chapter 27

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Ayaan Fadel.

Maroudi, Nigeria.

I took Basma to my parents's house.

I didn't need to think hard about a place to take her to—my parent's home was the best option because despite knowing there's nothing romantic between us, my mother still seemed to adore her.

A part of me wondered why she hadn't gone to her parents house—I mean she lives with them, and I'm certain she'd feel secure around them the most. However, I was informed that they are currently out of the country so she'd be alone.

I didn't ask for relatives, not knowing what type of relationship she has with them. My best guess is, it probably isn't a good one else she would've gone to them. And even if she did, I couldn't be sure of her safety with them from whoever she's scared of.

So, my parents house is the best option out there. No one can get to her there. I have that unwavering confidence.

The sound of the door being opened snapped me out of my trance—my gaze falling on my mother who had just walked in. She closed the door softly behind her, before making her way towards me. "Basma had just fallen asleep." She stated, coming to stand beside me.

I got on my feet, towering her small figure. Reaching my hands out, I guided her so she's now sitting where I was; while I leaned on the table. "Thank you, Ammi."

She glared at me, before shaking her head. She always throws a fuss when I thank her for doing things; I guess she must be too exhausted to do that today. She then let out a loud sigh; her shoulders slumping in the process.

A distant look overtook her features, and a crease formed on her forehead. "The poor girl looked petrified." She mumbled, raising her head so her gaze would meet mine. "What do you think could've made her that way?"

"Not 'what'. 'Who'." I slipped my hand inside my pocket, and pulled out the flash she handed me a few days back along with her phone she gave me earlier just as we stepped into the house.

She didn't say anything when she gave me the phone, but the look she gave me showed whatever she called me out for originally has to be on the phone.

Ammi's gaze shifted from me to the two devices in my hands; another sigh left her lips. "This plan of yours seems too dangerous, Ayaan." The worry in her tone was evident. "Is it really worth it?"

Despite both her and my father's unwavering support, it was obvious she still wasn't on-board with the whole ordeal. If it was up to her, we never could've returned to Maroudi. If anything, she'd rather we have a quiet life far away from it.

Far away from the past and the horrible memory as she likes to call it; and she's right—it is.

However, I need to do this...for my sake and for my peace of mind. I don't think I would ever be able to move on without facing this first. I tried, but look where I am right now.

Keeping both devices aside on the table, I reached my hands out to take her small ones in mine; covering them safely. My gaze lingered on our hands together for a few seconds, before they met hers. "It'll all be over soon." I whispered, trying to assure her and calm her nerves. "Very soon." The end is near, I can tell.

Just a little bit more, and we would be over with this chapter in our lives. All it will take is a bit more to hold out; but I know we'll be able to stand our grounds. Ten years worth of hard work would pay off in just a bit more of time.

My words still couldn't assure my mother, it was evident in the look she gave me. She blinked, and looked away for a brief second. She already knew she couldn't talk me out of this—just as much as she knows there's no going back the minute we stepped foot here.

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