It was enough for me to know they are around; not just for my safety, but Basma's the most. Her safety and wellbeing is what matters the most—even if it did seem like I didn't care. I do.

"—no one can come in here without my knowledge. So, trust me, okay? You're safe."

She brought her hands in front of her, rubbing them together as she swallowed thickly. Her gaze still wasn't on me, and her stance from what I could see was defensive. Her body was shaking slightly.

"—What are you so scared of?" I asked after a short while of simply observing her. I couldn't help but wonder who she's so scared of to this extent. Every other emotion fits her except fear; and everything else negative. It's just off seeing someone who's always been confident look that scared out of her wits. "What is it that's making you act this way, Basma?"

She finally snapped her gaze to mine, as she darted her tongue to swipe it across her lower lip. "It's driving me crazy, Ayaan. It's driving me crazy!" She rushed out with tremors in her voice. Her eyes began to become glossy, but she tried to blink it back as she blew out shaky breaths.

Still, I tried to tread carefully around her. "What's driving you crazy?" As much as I tried to hide it, I couldn't but wonder if I'm the reason she's in this position—thinking back to our last conversation that is.

I could see the fear in her eyes, it was that evident. "Everything is." She gritted out.

It was obvious she isn't in the right mental state to talk it about. She called me out here because she has something to say, but I doubt she'll be able to do so. "Come with me, I'll take you to a place you'd be safe."

No matter what happens, at the end of the day, I'll still consider her my responsibility. The day we made a deal to do this together, I made a promise as well to protect her as well as everyone helping me, and I would keep that promise as well as the one I made her the other day.

I've lost way too many people already, Basma won't be added to the list in shaa Allah.

"The deal was, the partnership between you and Hadi Groups wouldn't pass through. And yet, you just went ahead with it." She gritted out, her eyes narrowed at me as she paced around the place.

I watched her quietly from where I sat. Despite sending away the workers near her office in the boutique, she still kept her voice low as if she doesn't want anyone to overhear the conversation—and I guess she doesn't. "Why?" I questioned calmly, not in the least fazed by the glare she was sending my way.

"What?" She questioned in disbelief.

"Why?" I repeated, leaning back comfortably on the chair I'm seated. "Why are you so much against it? From what I see, it isn't affecting you in anyway."

Her shoulders straightened as she stood straight, her eyes still narrowed at me. "And like I told you before, I don't want to see Nailah succeed." She maintained a blank face when she said that, almost as if to convince me that's truly her reason.

I nodded slowly, not believing her in the slightest bit. "And?"

"And..." Her teeth gritted, obviously annoyed by my nonchalant behavior and string of questions. "...they can't get any more power—not one that they would get by being in business with you."

I could only hum, the action irking her even more. "See, I had thought about it." I turned around to face her completely. "You make it seem like it's Nailah you're after, but all your requests will do more harm to the company than her. Why not think of a way to get at her personally? Why go through the stress of ruining ties for them in general?"

Beau Monde ✅ Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant