But, since when have I been anyone?

"I have plans today so postpone it to tomorrow." I flick my eyes up to meet his, a silent indication that this topic isn't for compromise again. If not that it's Saif, no one else would think of making me reply myself.

He pressed his lips together, knowing even he cannot cross me again since I've made up my mind. "I'll do just that." He nodded, before he turned around to leave me alone.

With him gone, I was finally able to enjoy my meal in peace. I was done in about five minutes after he had left. Pushing the chair I'm on back, I traipsed out of the dining room too just in time a maid went in to clear the table.

I'm still at my parents house, for one reason alone—the food. Home made food is always better than hotel food. And I could cook for myself, but I might end up burning down the penthouse so...no. That isn't an option again.

Getting my phone out, I tapped the number of the first person that showed up in my call log—having been disturbing me with relentless phone calls. Basma. I'm surprised at this point that she hadn't shown up here since she knows my parents house.

Bringing the phone to my ear, I wasn't surprised that she picked up after the second ring; almost as if she had been waiting for my call. And I guess, she was.

"Where are you? Let's meet up."

A scoff came from her end, obviously annoyed by the tone I used. Not to mention, I didn't bother with the honorifics or pleasantries; I'm certain she doesn't care about that either.

Nonetheless, her response came almost immediately. "The boutique."

"I'll be there in five then." Not waiting for her to reply, I ended up the phone just in time I got my car keys out.

I guess it's time for her to play her part. And, I regret to say this but I plan to use her to get what I want. It's time she realize I'm not as nice as I feign to be.


The next day, at exactly 11:00am, Saif and I, along with two guards strolled into the HQ building of Hadi Groups based in Maroudi. A man was there at the entrance to welcome us, along with my dear friends, Nailah Zayed and Imran Hadi.

Imran struck his hand out for a handshake; putting a bit of strength than necessary in it than needed though his expression remained blank. I replied with the same intensity, and maybe a bit more.

As for Nailah, she looked more composed than she did the last time. She looks like she always does in the eye of the public—confident, and composed. One wouldn't be able to tell she had a breakdown just a couple of days ago and is at the brink of losing the life she has.

When her eyes met mine, they didn't waver even for a second. No flash of fear whatsoever crossed her eyes and expression. She welcomed me like the others, and if I didn't know better—and I do, I would've wondered whether she's the same woman I met a few days ago.

Regardless, the three then led us into the building and to the top floor where we will meet the man I had been hoping to lay my eyes on for ten years. The small journey to the top floor was filled with silence, and awkwardness that was hard to spot.

If not for Saif that knows what's going on, the other three had zero idea of the tension between the three of us—I, Nailah and Imran. We had a silent agreement of keeping our personal feelings aside and stepping into our professional roles.

The elevator door dinged before it slid open, and then we stepped out and was led to the conference room there. On reaching there, I could already spot the people there through the glass walls.

Nonetheless, Nailah and Imran stepped in first, followed by the other man before we did. My eyes fell on my target, just in time we reached where he stood.

And behold, I stood eye to eye with the man that ruined my life and took everything from me.

"AbdulRahman Hadi." He struck his disgusting and wrinkled hand out. He even dared to offer me a small smile; as if I would ever fall for that. "It's good to finally meet you."

I managed to hold back myself from exhibiting one of the many scenarios I've imagined of the day I'll cross paths with him again. Pushing those potential murderous thoughts down with great effort, I stuck my hand out and took his—holding back the urge to pull it back and clean it with bleach simply to rid it of the dirt.

Being in his presence repulses me greatly, and shaking hands is just crossing the limit.

Still, I forced myself to offer him one of my famous 'friendly' smiles.

"Ayaan Fadel." My smile widened, another string of murderous thoughts crossing my mind. "You have no idea how long I've waited for this moment."

Newsflash Mr. Hadi, I'm going to make your life hell.

Almost as if knowing the thoughts running through my mind, his smile widened too; adding fuel to my fury.

Allah give me the strength to keep my calm else I might just end up in prison for the rest of my life. It doesn't sound like a bad idea though if I'll get what I want.

I would risk that, and even put my life on the line to get what I want.

That's the extent of my hatred for this man. Ten years of hatred finally about to be unleashed.

"I hope we get along." He stated, his fake smile widening slightly.

"We'll see."

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