I only waited for him so that we could make the food to bring to the picnic. Well, I say we, but I mean he. I don't do anything to do with it, I just watch him do it.

"But Noah, what if I pack something you don't like in it?" he tries to reason with me.

"It's fine, I like pretty much anything anyways, besides if I helped I'd probably mess it up anyways," I say back.

And we both know that's not the reason for it.

Once about half an hour had passed, we were both most definitely ready and so we left the house. I locked the door behind us and we start along the path.

It's pretty quiet on the way there, both of us just mind our own business. The whole way there I keep on throwing quick glances at Cody, he doesn't look at me at all, he just walks silently.

I've already fucked up the morning, it can't get any worse from now on, can it?

Who am I kidding, of course it can.

And it doesn't help that Izzy's gonna be there too.

Sure, she's my friend, I think, but if she keeps going on about me and Cody I'm afraid that I might snap at her and ruin the day.

And Eva's fine, I'm quite close friends with her, I think, and she doesn't say things like Izzy.

Them two are such opposites, but they're like two magnets; 'opposites attract', as people say. I say like magnets, but Izzy's the magnet that drags Eva, the other magnet, along with her. But that's just how they like it, I guess.

After being lost in my thoughts for who knows how long, we arrive at the park. We don't see Izzy and Eva straight away, it takes a bit of searching to find them, but we do eventually.

"Hiii!" Izzy exclaims when she sees us approaching her. She jumps to her feet (they were sitting on a bench) and runs up to us.

She opens up her arms as if to ask 'do you want a hug?' to both of us, so Cody and her hug, then she again offers the same thing, just to me this time. I shake my head, basically saying no, and she puts her arms back down, leading me and Cody over to where her and Eva were sat before.

"Hey," Eva says to me and Cody.

"Hey," I reply.

"Hi," Cody also replies.

She gets up, grabbing a bag which probably has whatever her and Izzy brought for the picnic.

"Okay, let's go find somewhere to sit then," she says and the four of us walk away.

Cody and Izzy end up infront, me and Eva behind them. The two infront of us are chattering away, about what I don't know, but back here it's quite quiet.

"Why couldn't we just sit back at that bench?" I ask Eva about halfway through the walk.

"I don't know, Izzy said that she knew a spot or something," she replies.

"I'm gonna guess it's just some random spot in the middle of some field somewhere."

"Probably, yeah."

"Of course it is."

"Hey, what are you both talking about back there?" Izzy interrupts in our conversation that has already ended, turning around and walking backwards to face us while she speaks.

"Nothing," me and Eva both say simultaneously.

"Okay, sure then.." she replies skeptically, turning back around to talk to Cody again.

Pretty soon we get to this 'spot', and I was right, it's just some random place in the middle of a field.

"It's not just any place, there's a nice view! Look!" she tries to argue back to me when I say something about it.

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