A price has to be paid

Start from the beginning

Jin sighed before saying "Just don't hurt my Jimin, he's very sensitive and if you're gonna make him hate you then be prepared for Jimin's hate." Yoongi despite the situation chuckled because only he knew that he had already seen Jimin's hate and despite that he had made the omega like him in some manner and he too maybe fell along the way.

Hoseok spoke up saying "So until Jimin's gone you're just gonna hurt him? Like say cruel things so he goes away and doesn't care for you? How will he come back to marry you then if that's the case?"

Yoongi sighed before saying "I'll ensure that this whole mess has been stopped before the marriage so Jimin comes back to me willingly".

The others nodded as they just sat around Yoongi trying to comfort him.

But Yoongi knew that even if he didn't sort this mess out then Jimin will still come back because they both have that contract and agreement to follow.

But for now Yoongi needs to check up on Jimin. Jimin didn't exactly look okay when he ran away.

"Why did he say he deserved to be sexually abused and Jin didn't? Im making him hate himself and making him believe he is deserving of such things. Im a horrible partner I didn't mean to hurt his feelings whatsoever." Yoongi spoke out.

It was Hoseok that hit his head and said "Good you mentioned it, I needed to whack you for that. Jimin doesn't deserve this hate but I can understand why you're pretending. Just make it up to him properly the way he deserves too."

Yoongi rubbed the area Hoseok hit him on knowing he deserved it and nodded still slightly scared of Namjoon's omega since he was a feisty one. But not as feisty as his own.

"Jiminah, you're going be the death of me" Yoongi mumbled and the others around him laughed as he got up and said "I should check up on him".

They nodded and as Yoongi left they looked to one another and Jungkook spoke out saying "I hope they work it out and we get to the bottom of who is actually blackmailing Hyung and trying to hurt Jimin."

Everyone nodded as they stayed there letting the situation sink in.

Jimin was still puking into the bathroom when Yoongi entered. Yoongi didn't realise Jimin's state was this bad.

So he quickly went up to him rubbing his back and helping him. Jimin despite his pain shook his hand telling him to leave.

But Yoongi wouldn't even budge and neither did he cover his nose not wanting him to feel bad.

Once Jimin was done he turned and said "You don't need to stay here please you can go".

Yoongi smirked and said "Scared to show your enemy the weak side of you?"

Jimin tired to laugh but his body and omega wouldn't allow it. So he did a half smile before letting his body fall into Yoongi.

"Ugh". He mumbled as he fell limb into Yoongi. The Alpha chuckled as he held Jimin and made him stand up.

"Rinse your mouth first Jimin". He said and the omega nodded trying his best but he couldn't do it so Yoongi helped him by putting the shot glass of mouth wash into his mouth and getting him to gargle out.

Once that was done Yoongi took Jimin to their shared room.

Jimin held onto Yoongi, he knew it didn't look good I mean Yoongi practically hated Jimin but here he was clinging onto him any chance he got.

Going into the room Yoongi laid Jimin down and even threw his hoodie at him. "Sleep it off Jimin". He mumbled and tried to leave but Jimin who was hugging the hoodie like it might disappear spoke up saying "No where are you going?"

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