An annoying kind of different.

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Authors POV:
Once Jin had left and gone into the kitchen everyone just stood and watched how everything played out.

Yeonjun was mad he was so mad that he decided he's not going to talk to Mira anymore. Not until she stops treating Jin badly.

"Mira you are not the woman I married, the woman I am in love with would not hurt my children. You love every single one of them what has Jin done? He's innocent Mira, stop hurting him. Until you don't stop and apologise I'm not going to communicate with you. No one in this house has the right to hurt anyone. Those are the morals we taught our children. Don't forget them".

With that Yeonjun was off and now the silence was deafening.

Well besides Taehyung's occasional whimpers who was missing the calming scent he got from his Jinnie and was now smelling the sour scents of everyone especially his Halemoni who was holding him tightly.

Yoongi was the next to talk and he said "Eomma you were never like this. Don't you remember how you welcomed Hoseok into this house? You loved him, you cared for him and you hardly let him do any work. You treat Jimin the same way but when it comes to Jin you hate on him. You gave Jimin the golden bangle you made for all three of ours spouses and you didn't give it to him. Why are you hurting him Eomma? He's already been through so much".

Jungkook was rather shocked at Yoongi's words because what did Jin go through? Why was his Eomma indeed being so cruel? And why didn't she give Jin the bangle? Yes, Jungkook himself didn't accept Jin but everyone who was married in this house got one. It was their tradition!

Mira was speechless she had absolutely nothing to say. She believed Jin was just hiding behind this innocent facade and just like his parents told her he was a devil.

Why was no one seeing that?

Next was Hoseok who looked really upset "Eomma when I first came into this home I was petrified because I came from a low background my parents weren't filthy rich and I never felt like I was worthy of being the son in law of this family. It was YOU who brought me out of my shell and told me that it was completely okay and you would accept me regardless because Joonie was in love with me. What made you change Eomma?"

Namjoon quickly interfered and said "I'm still in love with him". Hoseok's teary eyes looked fondly as his husband as he hit him lightly for teasing him.

Mira was letting their words sink in...indeed she was the one who made Hoseok feel comfortable.

Jimin for once in his life stood up for Jin and said "Eomma you treat me so what did my brother do? We're from the same family so why do you like me but not him?"

Mira felt targeted and she didn't like it so tears gathered in her eyes. She felt she was wrong but another part of her thought she was right.

Jungkook was next and he said "I didn't believe Jin when he said you made him do work but not once did he ever say anything about you mistreating him or hating him so much he's not even allowed to address you properly".

Jungkook was mad but he didn't understand why he could hardly care about Jin. But when he noticed the tears in his mothers eyes he got protective. So he walked over to her and took Tae and handed him to Yoongi before hugging her tightly.

"Don't cry Eomma". He whispered.

Jin who heard and saw everything felt a hundred knives hitting him because he made the woman his husband loved the most cry.

Everything wrong happened because of him so he was determined to never make Mira angry at him so no one would have to stick up for him and then everything would be okay.

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