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to ask him out!" Rey exclaimed. Willow looked at her with an annoyed look, rolling her eyes at her. Rey had been going on about Johnny since the diner, and she wasn't going to stop anytime soon. "Isn't the guy supposed to ask the girl out?" Willow commented.

"Yeah... but, at this point you need to get with this man." Rey exclaimed as if she were the one who wanted him. "Are you gonna find a better guy in Tulsa? no."

"Is the bar that low?" Willow chuckled. "Basic human decency is apparently the new chivalry."

Willow finished tying her laces, standing on her skates and beginning to skate down the road with Rey. The both of them joked as they allowed the breeze to pass through them like leaves and branches in the wind, swaying with their hair flying free. They jumped up onto the sidewalk, catching a few impressed looks from those passing by them.

"We should go to the DX. Hes probably there right now y'know?"

"Absolutely not.." Willow says immediately, continuing to skate down the street. Rey smiles mischievously before turning down a different street, a street that was in the exact direction of the DX. "I hate you." Willow groaned, stopping on her skates before following Rey. Rey laughed, looking at Willow over her shoulder.

As they skated into the gas station, the sweat on their bodies were instantly cooled, becoming more sticky rather than wet.

Not wanting to seem obvious, they both skated down the aisles, grabbing random things for an excuse to buy something at the register. They skated over to the counter where the boys were all standing around. Once Johnny saw Willow, he immediately fixed himself, leaning against the counter in an attempt to look tuff. Of course, Willow saw through it and laughed, but thought that it was cute nonetheless.

"Hey JJ" Willow smiled, the nickname making Johnny immediately blush whilst his friends all stifled a laugh.   "How are ya?"

"Good.. uh.. what about you?" He asked somewhat awkward as he remained shy toward her, despite them having grown closer. Rey coughed loudly, signalling to Willow about doing what they talked about. Rey laughed with the rest of the boys as they were all thinking the same thing, watching the lovers dance around what they really wanted to say. Willow rolled her eyes at them before turning her attention back to Johnny.

She thought about what Rey said, about how she had to ask her out. Even though she had made a promise to herself to never ask out a guy, Johnny was different. He worth breaking the promise, and she knew how shy Johnny was. "Can I speak to you outside?" Willow whispered into his ear, to which Johnny nodded as he looked at her nervously.

She grabbed his hand, guiding him and skating outside to the side of the DX. "Um.." Willow hesitated, fumbling with her fingernails. "I know this is a kind of weird ask.. especially cause i'm the one doing it, but-"

"Will you go out with me?" Johnny cut her off, his voice loud and nervous. Willow didn't know how to respond, her mouth open with nothing coming out, not even a squeak or stutter. She felt heat rising in her face, as did Johnny with his eyes to the dirt below. He stuffed his hands in the pockets of his jeans. She suddenly smiled as the proposal actually hit her, as she fully realised just what he was asking.

"Yes! of course!" she exclaimed excitedly, smiling wider than ever. Johnny returned the smile, his grin stretching from ear to ear. "What were you thinking of doing?"

Johnny hesitated on his words as he wasn't sure of his answer, he wasn't even sure if he had an answer. He was just following his heart, and his heart wanted her.

"Uh... whatever you're up for. We could.. go watch a movie or go out to dinner or-"

"Roller skating." Willow cut him off, Johnny looking up at her confused and almost surprised at such a suggestion. Rollerskating wasn't a normal first date to go on, at least not for Greasers. But everyone knew the one hotspot for Greasers and Soc's alike, where people would go for parties and to have fun. The Midnight.

It was a roller rink where everyone would go, not just to roller-skate, but to hang out. Their food was good and not too pricey, and the environment was filled with nothing but colour that seeped from the overhead lights down to the floor of the colourful carpet that outlined the rink.

Willow was always taken there when she was a kid, before her mother turned a blind eye and pretended that she didn't exist half of the time. After that, she would go alone and skate until her legs cramped up. It was the only thing that still connected her to her mother. Now, she simply skates for the fun of it and because it's easier than walking— she no longer cared for her mother, her the connection that they shared through the memory of roller skating.

"S-sure.. yeah." Johnny smiled, "I'll pick you up at 8? unless that's too late, it's totally fine-"

"No, no! 8 is great. My parents don't really care.. so" she chuckled awkwardly, and somewhat painfully. It hurt to say out loud, but it felt good to laugh about it. Johnny knew what it was like to laugh about his parents being awful, so Johnny could see the pain in her eyes and through her voice, but in a way it made him feel better that someone could relate to him. "So.. yeah, i'll see you" She smiled, seeing Rey skate out with a bag in hand.

Willow quickly kissed Johnny on his cheeks, more specifically, on his scar that sat under his eye and on his cheekbone. Johnny's heart felt as if it had exploded, his cheeks instantly feeling hotter than the sun itself. She skated off toward Rey, looking back at him and sending him a wink as the two girls skated off into the streets. Johnny smiled wider than before, his face now hurting from grinning so much. He rubbed his scar slightly, the scabbed tissue no longer hurting with painful memories, but rather joyous ones.


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