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Johnny from across the diner. They would occasionally glance at one another, quickly turning away when the other met their gaze. Suddenly, snapping fingers quickly brought her attention back to her friends. "Dude!" Rey scolded, "Enough!"

Willow sighed, mumbling a "sorry" as she stirred her vanilla milkshake round and round in her cup, watching as the thick liquid would slosh around.

"Leah, tell her to get over him please" Rey groaned, placing her head in her hands like a disappointed mother.

"Get over him" Leah told her, clearly not giving a shit about her situation as her tone remained unfazed. Rey looked at Leah with disappointment before turning her attention back to Willow. She snatched her milkshake, bringing her attention back to reality, snapping her out of her daze.

Willow gave Johnny a last glance, seeing that he was already staring at her with a guilty expression, as if he desperately wanted to say something, anything.

Little did Willow know, Johnny was having the exact same conversation with his friends. "Johnny man, there are plenty of other broads. I don't get why you want that one so bad" Dally scoffed, snatching one of Ponyboy's fries, Pony giving him a dirty look in return.

"You wouldn't get it Dal" Johnny groaned, taking a sip of his coke before turning his attention back to the girl across the diner. "She's.. different... I dunno"

"Johnny, I gave you a chance with that girl the other night and you blew it. She was.. shit.." Dally groaned, clearly getting turned on by the thought of the girl that Johnny almost slept with, causing Johnny discomfort. "She was the kinda girl you want. Easy and attractive."

"I don't want that! I want a real relationship Dal. I don't want to do what you do. I want an actual relationship, one that actually means something" Johnny clapped back, causing the boys to be surprised at his sudden confidence to stand up to Dally.

"What happened at the party?" Sodapop asked confused, taking one of Ponyboy's fries, Pony now looking. pissed.

"I hooked Johnny up with this chick, she took him upstairs, and he didn't do anything! not even kiss her!"

"Because I don't want to Dal!" Johnny groaned, resting his head in his hands. Dally patted his back harshly before chuckling at him as if he were a child. Johnny wanted to ask what was so funny, but he decided to ignore Dallas. He wasn't going to get Dallas to understand, so there was no point in trying. "Point is, she thought I slept with that girl or at least did something. When that ain't true, and I don't know how to tell her that."

"Well.. were you two going steady?" Steve asked from across the table. Johnny shook his head no and Steve scoffed. "Listen kid, if y'all weren't even doing anything then what's the issue?"

"Because I like her. I want to go for her. I felt something for her, and I think she felt it too-"

"Clearly, if she's upset" Ponyboy commented, cutting Johnny off before he stuffed more food into his mouth. Johnny rolled his eyes, shaking his head. "Also isn't she a Soc?" Pony questioned. Everyone looked at Johnny for an answer.

"Yeah, but she doesn't act like one. Everyone knows that." He stated. The rest of them look at him funny, as if he had just stated the stupidest thing in the world. Johnny rolled his eyes once again, not bothering to speak any more about the topic as it was clear that none of them were going to understand.

Everyone besides him and Ponyboy had dated girls before. Pony never made an effort to go for his crushes as he always used the excuse that he "didn't have time", as he had to focus on his studies and meet Darry's expectations. On the other hand, Johnny had always been to shy to approach girls with the intent to date. He never thought that a girl would want him, as his self esteem wasn't exactly the highest due to his parents. So the fact that Willow was even interested in him in the first place was mind boggling to him, unbelievable.

"If it's really bothering you that much, go talk to him" Rey told Willow, clearly fed up.

"No.. you're right. I need to just-" Willow cut the air with her hand "Forget. He doesn't want me and the only reason he is staring is cause he feels guilty. That's it." Willow said to herself, attempting to convince herself that it wasn't worth it. That he wasn't worth it. But she knew that was a lie. Johnny was worth everything. He was worth every cell in her body, and she was worth every cell of his.

After a few more minutes of eating and chatting about other topics, Willow placed a $5 bill on the counter, sliding out of the booth along with her friends.

"Willow!" someone yelled from behind them as they walked through the parking lot. All of them turned around to see Johnny standing by the front door. Willow's heart stopped for a moment, as if it had been shocked and brought back to life with a wave of adrenaline. She could hear her heartbeat in her ears, her face suddenly growing hot, as did the rest of body.

The two of them stared at one another for a few seconds before Willow began to walk toward him, the tension making it awkward and unbearable to watch. Her friends cringed, turning away and walking to the side as to wait for Willow 

"Hi" Willow greeted awkwardly, shifting in her shoes as she looked down at the dirty concrete below.

"Hey" Johnny greeted back, staring at her with adoration despite the awkward circumstances, "Um.." He began, "I know what you saw the other night... I know how it looked and- I know we ain't together. I know that but... I feel something whenever I see you. Whenever I look at you, something goes on inside me. I don't know what it is and i've never felt it before but all I know is that it's good." he rambled, his pace in speaking growing faster as he grew more nervous.

Willow hesitated on her words for a moment as they lingered on the tip of her tongue. "I know." She stated, finally looking up at him. "I feel it too" She smiled, taking a step closer to him, their faces now inches apart. Johnny smiled widely, his cheeks painted in a rosy hue.

"Listen.. I didn't do anything with that girl. I know it looked like I did but- Dal just wanted me to get with a girl. He's been trying to get me to lose my virginity or.. something" Johnny confessed, seeming embarrassed by the last sentence, clearly feeling awkward about the topic. Willow shook her head, laughing at the idea of Dally trying to get Johnny laid. Johnny began to laugh a little too.

Willow then looked back at her friends, watching as they stared at the two from a far. Willow turned back to Johnny, the silence between them now comfortable rather than awkward.

"Let's go!" Leah yelled, waving Willow back over to them. Willow rolled her eyes, Johnny scoffing with a smile.

"Well.. that's my call" Willow smiled at him, waiting for a beat before giving Johnny a hug. Johnny flinched slightly, clearly shocked at the sudden act of affection. Johnny took a moment to hug her back, holding her as she held him. Once they pulled away, Johnny's cheeks were evidently more red, despite his dark skin slightly covering the blush. They both waved a goodbye, Johnny walking back into the diner as Willow walked back over to her friends.

As they walked back to their designated places, they couldn't stop thinking about one another. And they both couldn't wait..


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